Culturally Constructed Ignorance Wins the Day

I spend much of my time shrugging off breathless news events. Ebola (now Zika), employment reports, Federal Reserve rate changes, government shutdowns, peak earnings and so on. Much of what passes for earth-shaking news turns out to be, with the benefit of hindsight, something in between idle gossip and fear-mongering. The genuine, not well-anticipated, actual…

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Of Pounds And Poundage

Just an interesting little bit of context regarding the pound which seems to be undergoing it usual once a decade mid life crisis. As you can see from the chart below the drop last week is in many instances just an acceleration in an existing long term downtrend.

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My Adventure With Telstra

I like the rest of Australia share a hate-hate relationship with TLS. They are a bumbling, incompetent bunch of dicks that we are stuck with courtesy of successive bumbling incompetent governments who have had their heads firmly rooted up their arses when it comes to communications policy. Where else in the world would you have…

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Do Experts Know Anything?…..Probably Not…

This has been a terrible day for experts. Economic professionals were overwhelmingly of the opinion that leaving the European Union would hurt the United Kingdom. And until a few hours ago, the consensus of public opinion experts — at least if one uses prediction markets as a proxy — was that voters would in the end…

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Led Zeppelin Wins ‘Stairway to Heaven’ Jury Trial

Led Zeppelin has beaten a lawsuit claiming that the iconic guitar riff in “Stairway to Heaven” was copied from Spirit’s 1968 instrumental “Taurus.” On Thursday, after a week’s worth of testimony and arguments, the jury came back with its verdict in a case that’s been decades in the making. At trial, Led Zeppelin members Jimmy…

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Clients And Operators

So I am sitting with my feet on the desk contemplating visiting the girl who buys clothes for me at David Jones at lunchtime, my visits down to DJ’s were always full of little surprises. Before I could drag my arse out of my chair my phone rings. This time it is actually one of…

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There Is Always One…

This weeks current episode of Talking Trading ruffled the feathers of at least angry inch. LB received an email from someone complaining “that you feminists complain about the littlest things” My response was that his wife must have been talking about the size of his penis again……

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Of Brexit And Bad Teeth

With the Poms shortly to decide whether or not to stay with Europe or go it alone the following graphic from the WSJ is interesting. As you can see the Pound has had a crisis of confidence at least once a decade since the the end of the Second World War. It has been interesting…

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