Once Upon A Time

There was a time not long ago when the possibility of a major conflict in the Middle East would have caused energy markets to light up like a Christmas tree. Not any more.

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Ten Minutes With Tate Market Merry Go Round

The constantly evolving nature of markets makes them trade generating factories for those who can spot the change as it is occurring. However, spotting change is harder than it would seem if you rely upon the wrong basis for comparison and don’t understand that markets are also quite nuanced.

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People And Money Are Strange

Whilst sitting in my local having my usual toast and vegemite following training I was listening to a podcast that touched on the fact that in the UK a huge number of people who might be entitled to government benefits didn’t apply for them. Recognising that people might not be aware of these benefits the…

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ASX ETF Liquidity

Not all ETFs are created equal – a fact financial planners don’t seem to understand. The table below highlights the profound differences in liquidity among ASX listed ETF’s.

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Are The Worlds Oldest People Really That Old?

Often an idea that sounds very attractive gains traction without supporting data backing it up. This is true of trading/investing and many other things. This podcast is effectively a lesson in critical thinking and how not to assume that just because something sounds like a good idea doesn’t mean it is a good idea.

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May Contain Lies – Decision Nerds

If you’ve been around the block, you will likely have seen some eye-rolling use of evidence during meetings. Evidence can be used badly for many reasons; a misunderstanding of what conclusions can be drawn from it, or perhaps it has been cherry-picked to support a particular position.

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3 Fatal Trading Errors You Need To Avoid At All Cost

Don’t you deserve EXCEPTIONAL trading results? Warning: do not dare trade the stockmarket before reading this article! These 3 things are killing your trading results.  I see it all the time. Smart people making STUPID mistakes. Mistakes that can cripple their trading accounts, but that are easily avoidable. Just a quick duck and weave so the…

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It Doesnt Say What You Think It Does

This is a little follow-up to my last video about how data is presented to us and how we interpret it. The following chart is yet another one doing the rounds which is supposed to imply something and in turn, cause people to act. What the chart shows is that the S&P Commodity Index relative…

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The Power of Transition

The issue that afflicts many traders is the belief that they should discover something no one else has. It is thought that trading is a treasure hunt where you by dent of your analysis find some  corner of value that is yet to be uncovered by the rest of the investing community. You then invest…

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Ten Minutes With Tate Just The Facts

If I were to classify trading I would not say it is a financial endevour but rather one that combines the skills of information management and psychology. Markets are awash with data of varying quality and all of this information has an impact upon our decision making but only after the information has passed through…

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