Don’t You Deserve  Exceptional Trading   Results?

Our 6-Month Repeat-For-Free Mentor Program is for you.


You’ll easily trade every opportunity, confidently, using your own specific trading plan. Plus, you’ll know deep in your gut how to design and adapt this system – so no one can ever threaten your livelihood ever again.

We’ll let the results speak for themselves. Here are some comments from our Mentor Program graduates:


“My trading has managed to pay for the cost of the program more than 20 times over.” – George Suchenko

“I have learned more in 6 months than I did in an entire 4-year degree and for a quarter of the cost.” – Ben Wood

Oh Dear… The 2025 Mentor Program has sold out!

But wait… you can still be involved.

If you missed out you have one LAST CHANCE to be involved.

You can join our Mentor Program Preparation Course.

You’ll be a fly on the wall, watching the entire Mentor Program, for a fraction of the price the full Mentorees had to pay. You owe it to yourself to find out more.

Within the next few days we’ll be closing bookings – so act quick (otherwise you’ll miss out).

Click here now to read more and take control of your trading future.


Every Instrument


Every Time Frame


Your Plan


Exceptional Results

If you feel scarred by the drudge, and you’re ready to take control of your trading future, then you’re in the right place.

You may have read one of my books about the sharemarket. With over 180,000 copies sold, they’ve been on Australia’s best-seller list of sharemarket books since the 1990s.

If you’ve been finding it tricky to make a buck out of the sharemarket, let me tell you something… Trading doesn’t have to be a relentless and terrifying struggle anymore.

Chris Tate and I can show you how to trade with an edge.

Look, I’ve been exactly where you are now – filled with hope and determination, but unsure about the best way to unlock the trading money vault. I can tell you one thing – until I committed to my own trading education, I was stuck doing exactly what I had been doing, year after boring year in my job. The monotony was half killing me. But you can…

…end your frustration now!”

In just 6 short months, you’ll feasibly know more than your accountant or your financial planner about how to make money out of the sharemarket.

Here’s just a taste of what you will discover…

How to save a fortune by avoiding the 10 mistakes made by thousands of other traders who haven’t trained with us.


How to use the best trading instruments such as shares, CFDs, options, FX and Futures – to burst through your barriers and develop the skills of a super trader.

WEEK 7, 8, 11, 16 – 20

The 3 methods that exceptional traders use to generate profits regardless of the market direction.


What magnificent traders do that others do not.


You’ll wish you had have been a part of our Mentor Program 20 years ago.

“My trading has managed to pay for the cost of the program more than 20 times over.”

“I loved having the confidence of being with people who have done this before. My results have gone through the roof! Since being involved in the Mentor Program, my trading has managed to pay for the cost of the program more than 20 times over. I’ve been trading for nearly two decades and never really been successful, so the Mentor Program has just turned that right around.”


North Coast NSW

“Without the Mentor Program, I can see that I could have lost thousands just getting going.”

“The Mentor Program saves time and money. Without the Mentor Program I can see that I could have lost thousands just getting going. The ongoing support is gold and the fact that you can repeat it was the clincher for me. Louise and Chris were very approachable and inspiring. I feel like I’m part of a big Mentor Program family. Awesome support. In particular, I love the additional support provided by the ‘Buddies’ and the regular catch-ups with other trading mentors. So supportive.”


Business Partnership Manager, QLD

Imagine what it would feel like to not have to worry about the future market direction and to know you can make money regardless.

Imagine living your life to its full potential and achieving the incredible trading results that our other Mentorees have attained.


The Program will take you far beyond anything we’ve ever released through our books and even our advanced home study courses. Whether you’re beginning your trading career, or if you want to boost your results, this Program has been designed for you. Beginners, as well as full-time traders have joined the ranks of our Mentorees, and all have improved their skills.


Our Most Asked Questions

What if I join and realise it's not for me? Is there a guarantee?

We’ve found the way to take the guesswork out of share trading. We can teach you how to do this too!

Talk is cheap so I am putting my money where my mouth is. Our Mentor Program is backed by Our Iron-Clad, No Questions Asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee!

If you attend the entire first week of the course and, in the unlikely event that you are not totally happy, I will completely refund every cent you paid. Plus you can keep the initial course materials with my compliments. Simply tell us at the end of the first week, and we will give you a full refund. If you’re not the right person for this program, nobody will try to put pressure on you to keep at it.

You have my word on this guarantee.

We only want to work with traders focused on their own trading success. We’ll be by your side for years and years, so we need to make sure you’re the right person to work with. There is nothing to lose except the opportunity to experience a breakthrough in your personal and financial life.

It gives me such a buzz when I hear of new Mentorees kicking goals, as well as people who have been with us for many years. Some of our brand new Mentorees have made money even before the Program has finished and they’ve already covered the cost of the course.

Can I do the Program if I live interstate or overseas?

Definitely. Everything is conducted online.

The course operates using the cyber-magic of the internet, and our exclusive Mentor Program Forum. You’ll be given access to the most modern and up-to-date forum technology available, and this will be your source of knowledge and interaction throughout the program.

You’ll develop life long trading friendships that will obliterate your fear about feeling alone in the trading world.

Who Is This Program Suitable For?

The Mentor Program is suitable for people who have Never Traded Before as well as people who have been Trading for Years.

Basically this program is for anyone who wants to become a BRILLIANT TRADER.

The course is not just for people who have been trading for years. Even if you have just read one of Louise’s or Chris’ books, and you haven’t placed a cent in the market yet, this course is for you.



  • You’re a new trader or an experienced trader who wants to dramatically improve your trading results and confidence
  • You’ve asked yourself ‘Why the heck am I doing this?’ every time you think of your career
  • You’re busy, frantic, frazzled and hoping there is a better way
  • You’ve got a sneaking suspicion that there are other people creating a great lifestyle for themselves that doesn’t require dollars for hours and a 9 – 5 slog
  • You’ve been on the wrong side of the trend before and it’s hurt you financially
  • You desire real wealth but it has always seemed slightly out of your grasp
  • You’re frustrated by your trading results and you want a ‘paint by numbers’ system so you can achieve the lifestyle you deserve
  • You aren’t sure how to ‘feel the pulse of the market‘ but you want to transform your open mind into trading cash that sticks in your account and can never be taken away from you
  • or, you’re sick of treading water or slipping backward in your sharemarket returns.

Can I repeat the Mentor Program for FREE?

Yes – you’ve got it!

As one of our special Mentor Program participants, you’ll get complete access to repeat the course as many times as you need to, so you can really cement the most important lessons, and keep up to date with the latest trading techniques.

The markets change so quickly these days, so you need to stay on top of the game and jump on opportunities. Many people find this one of the most valuable aspects of the course, as they can pick up additional trading tips each time we run through the course.

It’s just like two experienced traders, sitting alongside you as you trade, leading you towards success and guiding you every step of the way.

When do I get my Bonus Products?

When you come onboard our Mentor Program, you’ll receive a bunch of goodies.

You’ll receive your ‘Get a Trading Plan’ audio CD link and course notes during the first week. Essential aspects of the Candlestick Charting Home Study Course are provided as we go through the program.

Also, The Secret of Candlestick Charting – DVD Program comes as separate targeted sections during weeks 3 – 6, and choice sections of the Trading Psychology Home Study Course are delivered throughout the course too.

So, you’ll get all of the bonuses we’ve promised within the 6-month program. In fact, most of the bonuses come within the first 3 months.

These ideas and concepts can be used by any trader to multiply their profits and derive incredible results from the sharemarket.

How much money do I need to trade?

In the past, I have usually suggested people have around $15,000+ to trade with, but in reality, because there are so many leveraged items such as FX where you can start trading with $1000 or so, some traders now think that I’ve been vastly conservative. Limited capital will reduce the number and type of instruments you can trade and the type of money management you can implement, so this is important to note.

For example Rob (his video is featured on this page) started with limited capital and he is now a brilliant private trader travelling the world… so he laughed in my face when I said to him I’m telling people $15,000 is required to kick off…

So basically, it comes down to a choice, based on your own personal situation and education about the markets.

Some traders have begun the course with more limited capital, and been ready to pounce when they’ve gathered more equity over time. This is a great way to go because by the time you’re ready to plunge into the market, you will have had the chance to be fully educated, and this will help minimise your risk.

At the other end of the spectrum, we have had several multi-millionaires complete the program to build on their current wealth creation strategies, and wrestle back control over their superannuation, for example. These high-net-worth individuals are just as keen to get control over their finances as everyone else, so they are magnetically drawn to the Mentor Program, widely considered to be the best trading training on the planet.

What kind of results can I expect when I enroll in the Mentor Program?


Our people have had some outstanding results because of their participation in the program.

If you’d like to see what some of them have to say, have a look at all of our hundreds of Rave Reviews.

We have developed a group of people who don’t do things in the way the masses usually think and react. If you aspire to a different result, you need to accept that you will need to do things differently.


Breakthrough Strategies

Completing the program will provide you with breakthrough strategies and techniques, to help you uncover hidden profits that you never knew existed in the markets. You may choose to continue to trade on a part-time basis, or ultimately become a full-time trader, living life on your own terms.

Keep in mind that the traders who put in the most effort, derive the biggest results from the Mentor Program.

Upon graduating from this event you will develop a ‘street-smart’ style of trading, rather than drowning in non-practical theoretical knowledge. You’ll have enough knowledge to trade any instrument, anywhere in the world, over any time frame, using your own customised and personalised trading plan, designed with your own lifestyle in mind.


A life free of doubts

You’ll develop the confidence to act on market signals, without any nagging doubts, and make money during bear as well as bull markets.

How do I join the Mentor Program?

The Mentor Program usually books out within just a few hours of announcing that we’re ready to take bookings. And we’re only offering this once this year.

You’ll have to act quickly, or we’ll be booked solid and we won’t be able to fit you in. If you’re already on our Priority Notification list, you’re in with a fighting chance.

We’ll tell you when to be standing by to be able to book in. If you’re serious about coming on board, you must be registered for Priority Notification. This is your best shot at being part of this exclusive group.

Fast-track your way to a new career as a trader.

We’ve been able to guide ordinary people to generate even greater profits out of the sharemarket than they ever believed possible. Some supplement their existing income. Others quit their jobs entirely. The choice is yours…

“I greatly appreciate being able to repeat the course each year”

“I greatly appreciate being able to repeat the course each year in order to build on my knowledge and strengthen my abilities to create the future I envision.

The Mentor Program was fantastic and challenging and will enable me to reach financial independence and allow my husband to stay at home instead of doing “fly-in, fly-out”.

“Thank you both very much for providing such an informative, supportive course that allows us to build systems towards trading success while being supported and nurtured, tested and extended all at the same time.”

– Jacqui Hibberd, Altona Meadows, VIC

“…Jeremy covered the Mentor Program cost twice over in only 2 weeks”

“Every step of the way I felt secure and confident because I knew that what I’d been learning through the Mentor Program was effective. I have covered the course cost twice over in only 2 weeks!

“I can genuinely say that I have only achieved these terrific profits as a direct result of everything you have taught me. I can’t wait for the rest of the course and because I can repeat the Program for free as many times as I like – I know that this is only the beginning.”

–  Jeremy Nockles, General Manager, Melbourne