The Exhausting History Of Fatigue

In 1698, the Duc de Berry had a nosebleed. This calamity was brought on by his “overheating” during a partridge hunt. Three hundred and nineteen years later, the writer Anaïs Vanel quit her editing job and went surfing. What links this unlikely couple? Well, both of them earn a mention in “A History of Fatigue”…

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The Magic Certainty Button…

1- There is no spreadsheet that can guarantee you will be fine.I know people in the finance industry love to talk about retirement projections as if they can tell you what the future holds, and there is definitely value in having a plan. But the value is not that it gives you certainty. Just like any…

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Good Traders Are Good Entrepreneurs

I like many other much smart people than me have opined at great length and depth about why traders fail. There are of course the usual suspect’s poor psychology, poor money management no system. All of these undoubtedly contribute to the downfall of many traders. However recently I was rereading the book A Man For…

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It Worked Perfectly Yesterday

I have witnessed a disturbing trend in the industry of late: the over-optimisation or curve fitting of trading systems. This practice involves tweaking the parameters of a system to fit the historical data, often resulting in unrealistic and inflated performance metrics. Optimisation is a dangerous and misguided approach that can lead to disastrous outcomes for…

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Bitcoin Is Suddenly Interesting.

Will BTC change the world – probably not but it doesn’t mean that everyones favourite delusion cannot be profitable. At present BTC has done something interesting in breaking up on a weekly chart as shown below. What is also interesting is that on the daily chart, you have a compression box where prices are squeezing…

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Whatever Happened To Groupon?

In August 2010, Forbes called the Chicago-based platform the “fastest growing company ever.” The following year, it IPO’d at a $17.8B market cap. Today? Groupon is worth just $103m — a 99.4% plummet from its IPO. And though it does maintain ~14m active users, it had 83m+ subscribers in 2011, per TechCrunch. More here – theHUSTLE. PS: If Google ever knocks on…

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If You Are An Analyst AI Is Coming For Your Job

Whenever a new piece of technology is introduced into the marketplace, particularly one that is quite disruptive it is always difficult for people to gauge its potential impact on the future. Referring back to 2007 when the iPhone was introduced and it was roundly criticised as a solution in search of a problem, in fact,…

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The Physiology of a 24-Hour Mountain-Bike Race

When people say, “You can’t outrun a bad diet,” I smile and nod. It’s perfectly true, in a holistic sense. Exercise and diet are two different things, with separate effects on your health and performance. You can’t automatically compensate for deficiencies in one area by being extra good at the other, any more than donating…

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What’s your macro say?

  Have you checked out what the markets are doing? How do you know whether it’s a good time to get involved? The easiest way is to use a macro filter. Learn what my macro filter says at the moment. C’mon… you know you want to see it. Have a look. Currently, my macro filter…

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