More On Being Wrong

There’s an academic I know — very well respected — who especially values one of his collaborators. This particular colleague isn’t invaluable because of his creativity or intellect, says my professor friend, but because “he is willing to tell me when I’m wrong, and that’s rare”. It is indeed rare. Perhaps even rarer is the…

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Gold Vs S&P500

I am still intrigued by the US markets reaction to the results of the US election when viewed in tandem with an instrument such as gold which is generally seen as a hedge against uncertainty (in this instance read outright dickheadedry) As such I though I would look at the relative returns of both instruments…

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Why Not To Listen To The Media And Brokers

A comment appeared in relating to this piece I wrote the other day and it deserves a fuller explanation. I will state at the outside that it is my contention that if you listen to the financial media and the sell side of the finance industry you will never get anywhere. And as a first…

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FX Correlations

A question popped up in the Mentor Program that related to what to do when related instruments all gave the same signal, in this instance the culprit was various JPY related pairs. I had not looked at FX correlations for awhile so thought I might stick a few together and see if they told me…

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Once Upon A Time

Sometimes I feel sorry for traders/investors who need to construct a narrative as part of their investment process. Whilst you are cocooned inside your own delusional story you would never know whether your story is the right one and is the one the market has chosen. As an example consider the year to date moves…

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Advice On How To Go Broke

This is an early contender for the worst piece of financial advice of the year. My advice… exactly the opposite. The financial press Whether you decide to be a “passive” investor, and put all your money in index funds, or you choose to be an “active” investor, and trade the market, you should know where…

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Lessons On Ageing Well

At the age of 105, the French amateur cyclist and world-record holder Robert Marchand is more aerobically fit than most 50-year-olds — and appears to be getting even fitter as he ages, according to a revelatory new study of his physiology. The study, which appeared in December in The Journal of Applied Physiology, may help…

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The Great Con Continues

Bloomberg recently breathlessly trumpeted the following regarding hedge fund behemoth Bridgewater – Ray Dalio Makes Clients $4.9 Billion in 2016 as Paulson, Soros Falter Their article was accompanied by the following table of returns – When you look at the table $4.9B is a lot of money in absolute terms and it is here that…

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Turn It Up To 11

This Is Spinal Tap co-creators Christopher Guest and Michael McKean, along with the 1984 film’s director Rob Reiner, are now co-plaintiffs in Harry Shearer’s lawsuit against Vivendi and StudioCanal after allegedly being denied rightful profit participation from the rockumentary classic. On Tuesday, an amended lawsuit was filed in California federal court that also ups the damages demanded from…

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All It Takes Is One

I wanted to follow on from yesterdays post and give a more extreme real world example of how thinking in terms of the need to be right is completely wrong but typical of the vast majority of traders. I went back and reviewed some results from the Dow from 2014 – this year stuck in…

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