Investors Count Losses On Detroit property

I wonder how many local investors have been caught the same way. I do know folks who decided it was a good thing to buy US property at $US0.65 despite advice to contrary because the spruiker who pushed the idea said currency fluctuations didn’t matter.

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If you summoned up the worlds most powerful microscope you still would not be able to locate my level if interest in US tax policy – I have enough trouble getting excited about tax domestically. However, I was reading some stuff post the Facebook IPO which proved to be a bit of a squib when…

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And Then There Was One

Never a fan of the Saturday Night Fever stuff but the early stuff still gets played in the car. I must be getting old – the people I grew up with are all moving on…

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Paper Tigers

This intriguing piece occupied my weekends reading – its a fascinating insight into stereotypes and what they mean to the individual being cast in a certain way.

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Facebook IPO

Two interesting graphics from the NYT comparing Facebook to other tech IPO’s The original link is worth clicking on since it has a nice little interactive graphic that looks at a range of post IPO outcomes.

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When you run a business that has any sort of public profile you get all sorts of emails, some insightful, some interesting but most are by nutbags. Generally these mental cases confine themselves to gibbering on about the end of the world, the coming great depression or some other conspiracy. However rarely do we get…

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Is Bigger Better?

This seems oddly appropriate given the post below on obesity. Within the world of managed funds be they hedge funds, private funds, alternative investments or mutual funds there is an observation that performance drops off with size. The traditional arc of the life of a managed investment is that a new manager pops ups, generates…

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A Mathematical Challenge To Obesity

You are an M.I.T.-trained mathematician and physicist. How did you come to work on obesity? In 2004, while on the faculty of the math department at the University of Pittsburgh, I married. My wife is a Johns Hopkins ophthalmologist, and she would not move. So I began looking for work in the Beltway area. Through…

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I had long been curious as to where Australia sat in terms of its pricing of petrol but was too lazy to put together a list. Fortunately Bloomberg has saved me the trouble. Most expensive gas ranking: Price per gallon of premium gasoline: Norway $9.69 Denmark $9.37 Italy $9.35 Netherland $9.35 Greece $9.23 Sweden $8.97…

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