Why Do This?

In the past I have written about prediction and the fact that we are absolutely crap at predicting the future. Despite this and despite the ease with which people are held to account for their predictions we still get this sort of stuff. This graphic tracks the predictions about the price of oil made by…

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Why Do This?

In the past I have written about prediction and the fact that we are absolutely crap at predicting the future. Despite this and despite the ease with which people are held to account for their predictions we still get this sort of stuff.         This graphic tracks the predictions about the price…

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I haven’t looked at the VIX in a little while. Below is a chart of the VIX with the Dow overlaid in red so you can see the relationship between extremes of fear and the market wetting itself.The only comment I can make about this is that “fear” seems still to be historically high.

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Clever People Doing Clever Things

As opposed to 5000 fat bogans turning  up the opening of a furniture store selling $1 hot dogs we have some really clever buggers doing some really clever things Bet you that you wont see this one the evening news . PS; Click on the pic to get an insight into the science of bogans

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In recent years, advances in telecommunications, computing capacity and financial software platform capabilities have seen huge growth in the field of High Frequency and Algorithmic Trading (now accounting for over 70% of all equity trades placed on US exchanges and in excess of 77% in the UK).  HFT firms (which can often make more than 80…

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Soc Gen

On Monday, January 21, 2008, concerns about deteriorating economic conditions in the United States caused a precipitous fall in the Asian markets. Investors in Hong Kong and Tokyo besieged brokerage firms. Markets in the United States happened to be closed, for the Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday, but U.S. stock-futures trading in foreign markets showed…

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Soc Gen

On Monday, January 21, 2008, concerns about deteriorating economic conditions in the United States caused a precipitous fall in the Asian markets. Investors in Hong Kong and Tokyo besieged brokerage firms. Markets in the United States happened to be closed, for the Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday, but U.S. stock-futures trading in foreign markets showed…

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In recent years, advances in telecommunications, computing capacity and financial software platform capabilities have seen huge growth in the field of High Frequency and Algorithmic Trading (now accounting for over 70% of all equity trades placed on US exchanges and in excess of 77% in the UK).  HFT firms (which can often make more than 80…

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Twitter For Decision Making

Most people know my opinion about twitter – it is the intellectual equivalent of yelling things from a moving car. As such this attempt to to use twitter to track market sentiment doesnt thrill me too much. As an old stats tutor used to constantly drum into our not very bright heads – correlation does…

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Twitter For Decision Making

Most people know my opinion about twitter – it is the intellectual equivalent of yelling things from a moving car. As such this attempt to to use twitter to track market sentiment doesnt thrill me too much. As an old stats tutor used to constantly drum into our not very bright heads – correlation does…

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