Money Management Quotes

I was going though some old bits and pieces and came across some quotes I had collected from the Market Wizards books. “[Michael Marcus – another top trader] taught me one other thing that is absolutely critical: You have to be willing to make mistakes regularly; there is nothing wrong with it. Michael taught me…

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Refuse to take ‘No’ for an answer

PEOPLE GIVE IN TOO easily. They crumble, when they should push. They side-step when they should left-hook. Think back to when you were a kid and you really, REALLY wanted that ice cream. Did you take your parent’s word as gospel? Or did you ask, whinge, nag, beg, grovel, whine, stamp your foot and tantrum your…

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Things that work

Things that work I was watching my friend, and money manager of multiple millions of dollars, David Chia present. As he was talking about his system, there were some realisations I reached. Even though we have evolved separately as traders, David seems to have reached a lot of the same conclusions as I have about…

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Don’t Quit Too Soon!

So often we think that we should be instantly brilliant! (Far out – I know I just started trading last week, but how come I’m not raking in the millions yet? … Sound familiar?)   Think of Roald Dahl. He is arguably one of the most successful children’s authors in the world. He wrote Charlie…

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The Ugly Truth

The Ugly Truth There’s an ugly truth about being a trader. Once you gain some serious control over your life, your time and your money, not everyone will be your fan. I guarantee that by the time you start to show some of the outward signs of success, you will attract people who will think…

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As can be seen from the graphic below the local market has endured an extended period of under performance relative to other Western markets. Yet, its performance is largely in line with a handful of Asian markets.   It has long been my view that local investors unfortunately suffer from a Western- centric hangover – in…

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How Market Selloffs Happen

Why does investor panic suddenly take hold? Here, the fourth installment of a new Fortune series on how things spread. Twitter, the social media company that uses a bird for its corporate logo, was the canary in the coal mine. In early February, on a single day of trading, Twitter’s stock fell 24%, to $50 from…

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Being Young

One of the good things about being young is that you can trade stupidity for time – this is the strategic advantage of being young. The excess time you have remaining in your account enables you to recover from the majority of stupid things we  all do when we are young.  At the AIA conference…

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