The Switch in Your Brain That Turns Down Stress

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a technique that would allow us to vanquish fear and beat back stress? There just might be. In his latest book, The Wedge, bestselling author Scott Carney explains that when humans face challenging situations, our automatic responses tend to make us feel terrible. But the good news is that there are…

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Where To Now?

As we weather the COVID-19 storm thoughts invariably turn to what life will look like after the storm passes and as luck would have it there is no shortage of economists to tell us what life will be like. Most of their prognostications seem to fall somewhere between being the last person on the Titanic…

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The Largest Stock in the S&P500

The chart below comes from Bianco Research via The Irrelevant Investor and it shows a potted history of the largest stocks in the S&P500 over the past 60 years. I always find things like this fascinating as they reinforce the understanding that your history is not the only history. Traders who began their careers this…

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QAV Investing Podcast

Last week I had the pleasure of spending some time with  Tony Kynaston and Cameron Reilly of QAV. What is always interesting when speaking to successful investors is the number of similarities they share across the board. At first glance, you would not expect successful value investors such as Tony and Cameron to have much…

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If The CFO Says He Feels ‘Fantastic,’ Sell Short

A study set to appear soon in the Journal of Accounting Research asks whether deceptive chief executives and chief financial officers give themselves away by the language they use in the course of their conference calls. David F. Larcker and Anastasia Zakolyukina, both of Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, have developed prediction models (though still rather…

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One From The Archive

I found this chart that I generated a few years in my archive folder. It looks at $100,000 invested in either cash or the average return of the top 200 superfunds I should update it to see if the general pattern holds true in the current environment. My guess is that it probably does and…

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