Where Nobel winners get their start

There are many ways to rank universities, but one that’s rarely considered is how many of their graduates make extraordinary contributions to society. A new analysis does just that, ranking institutions by the proportion of their undergraduates that go on to win a Nobel prize. Two schools dominate the rankings: École Normale Supérieure (ENS) in…

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The Difference Between Rationality and Intelligence

ARE you intelligent — or rational? The question may sound redundant, but in recent years researchers have demonstrated just how distinct those two cognitive attributes actually are. It all started in the early 1970s, when the psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky conducted an influential series of experiments showing that all of us, even highly…

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GBP Flash Crash

The most interesting thing to happen in markets for sometime was the GBP flash crash that occurred last week. I only caught the tail end of the crash as I saw some of my GBP puts leap ten fold in value and then settle back down. Which was followed by me going WTF? was that…

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Position Sizing As A Source Of Alpha

In trading we have a concept known as alpha – that is the measure of skill we bring to the investment process as measured by comparison to a given benchmark. Traditionally we think of generating alpha via our instrument selection or timing. The aim of being a trend follower or momentum trader is to buy…

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Wonder What I am Being Told Here?

One of the mechanisms by which I have learnt to deal with the vicissitudes of the market is to believe that they are actually very generous and that they will tell me everything I need to know if I just listen. When I have gone back and reviewed errors in judgement I have made as…

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Practice Does Not Make Perfect

Zach Hambrick has always been fascinated by exceptional performance, or what he calls “the extremes of human capabilities.” Growing up, he’d devour Guinness World Records, noting the feats it described and picturing himself proudly posing in its pages. By the time he reached college, though, he’d moved on to a new obsession: becoming a golf pro.…

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BIS Triennial Central Bank Survey

I have finally had time to sit down and read this latest missive from BIS. The FX market does seem to be undergoing a little bit of a shift as evidenced by the fall in volumes, the changing role for some currencies and the rise of the renminbi. There are a few interesting take home…

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I am of the belief that the best trips you can have are those that make you think and reflect upon your own situation and the situation of others. For those who are self aware travel is the consummate  – it forces you to think and reconsider things you believe in. Since returning from LA…

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The Great Hedge Fund Massacre

In the third quarter of 2015, hedge funds, as a category, were experiencing their worst quarter of flows since the bottom of the financial crisis six years before. There were an avalanche of stories about the industry’s nearly systematic underperformance. It looked and felt like an inflection point. At the time, I asked aloud whether…

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I See Idiots Everywhere….

On the back of the news that that BBY head Glenn Rosewell hired a psychic who strangely enough was not able to predict the demise of the firms at a time when it was obvious that full service broking is stuffed as an industry comes the news that apparently NASA has ruined peoples lives by…

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