Wall Street Monopoly
From the Village Voice Oct. 7 2011
Just back from a visit to the latest trading expo and I have some observations not necessarily in any order of importance. 1. Scrubbers are in – content is out. There were no shortage of stands for people I had never heard of whose main way of attracting attention was to have tarts with big…
Whilst it does not qualify for email of the week status an email received last week at blog central does provide an interesting talking point. The gist of the email was that this individual had $40,000 to trade, was risking $600 per trade in the hope of making $250. So I am risking $600 to…
Whilst it does not qualify for email of the week status an email received last week at blog central does provide an interesting talking point. The gist of the email was that this individual had $40,000 to trade, was risking $600 per trade in the hope of making $250. So I am risking $600 to…
Just back from a visit to the latest trading expo and I have some observations not necessarily in any order of importance. 1. Scrubbers are in – content is out. There were no shortage of stands for people I had never heard of whose main way of attracting attention was to have tarts with big…
This is the Russell 2000 which on Wednesday gained over 4% in 20 minutes. I haven’t really heard an explanation for this other than it might have been a short squeeze. Although the spectre of HFT has raised its head. What this also demonstrates is the asymmetry of common sense possessed by regulators. It is…
….of Apple and the cult that grew up around it. To me computers are tools to get a job done – they are only a fashion statement for the sad. However, there is no denying the impact of Steve Jobs upon the popular psyche and his remarkable business acumen. In the outpouring of grief surrounding…
….of Apple and the cult that grew up around it. To me computers are tools to get a job done – they are only a fashion statement for the sad. However, there is no denying the impact of Steve Jobs upon the popular psyche and his remarkable business acumen. In the outpouring of grief surrounding…
This is the Russell 2000 which on Wednesday gained over 4% in 20 minutes. I haven’t really heard an explanation for this other than it might have been a short squeeze. Although the spectre of HFT has raised its head. What this also demonstrates is the asymmetry of common sense possessed…
Game theory is the standard tool used to model strategic interactions in evolutionary biology and social science. Traditional game theory studies the equilibria of simple games. But is traditional game theory applicable if the game is complicated, and if not, what is? We investigate this question here, defining a complicated game as one with many…
Game theory is the standard tool used to model strategic interactions in evolutionary biology and social science. Traditional game theory studies the equilibria of simple games. But is traditional game theory applicable if the game is complicated, and if not, what is? We investigate this question here, defining a complicated game as one with many…
Apparently Greece that wonderfully run little third world country in the Mediterranean that is causing the rest of Europe heartburn with its institutionalised dishonesty may miss all of its targets. For an entertaining short piece on how Greece’s level of dishonesty could have been spotted see the always interesting Tim Harford
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