Bet On Anything

Following on from my surprise that betting agencies present their information in a manner similar to other derivative providers I have been doing a bit of trolling around and found that someone is actually making a market on the timing of the discovery of the Higgs boson. For those not up with the nitty gritty…

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Odd Thing I Learn’t Last Night

I have just started reading The Status Syndrome which is a look at how our status and how the perception of our status affects both our longevity and our health. In the opening few pages I have learn’t that  actors and actresses that won an Academy Award lived four years longer on average than those…

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Well There Ya Go

I occasionally peruse the Finalternatives website. Generally to find out who is going to jail and which hedge fund manager despite delivering sub par performance for the past decade has still managed to buy a $25,000,000 apartment I came across this headline whilst scanning it this morning – Thiel Launches Growth-Stage VC Firm I thought…

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Here is a question – if the world is still going to hell in a hand basket why are my systems slowly moving me to the long side of the market. I have three equity index longs running at present. May last…may not.

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Training At LB’s Gym

So I trained at LB’s gym this morning and the conversation around us went something like this. Oh….did you feel the earthquake last night the terror…..It rattled my china ponies…I thought I was going to lose them all…..and then to come in here and its so cold, I dont know if I can stand 10…

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Highest Paid Athletes

I spotted this whilst having brekky this morning and thought it was worth a bit of analysis. It is a list of the worlds highest paid athletes which in itself is interesting from a voyeur’s perspective.- Forbes lists 100 athletes but I cut the list down to the top performers. The top performers are shown…

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You Learn Something Everyday

Here is something I didn’t know – I had no idea that betting agencies presented their information in such a fashion. The image below represents the collapse in betting around Tiger Woods to win the US Open – hell of a short trade if such things are at all possible.

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Things I Am Reading And Listening To

Daydream your way to creativity (Does require a subscription but New Scientist is worth it) Why Smart People Are Stupid The Smart Are MORE Biased To Think They Are LESS Biased The Curse of Knowledge WWII with Antony Beevor and Max Hastings (Podcast – Beevors Stalingrad and Hastings Armageddon are two cornerstone history books)  …

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I posted this in the current mentor group and thought…shit that’s clever why not let everyone see it. I have a new trading system and judging by the interest shown in such things at the last Investment Expo it is going to be a corker. You see I can predict the future using the ancient…

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