Statistics And Other Things

Last week LB spoke at the Young AICC in what was a fairly polite look at shares versus property. You can tell by the fact that I used the world polite that I obviously wasn’t speaking. After the event there were a few things I pondered on the way home. The first was my observation…

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Financial Conduct Authority Report

I have been scanning the Financial Conduct Authority Report out of the UK which if you are in need of a good snooze you can read here. One thing did catch my eye and it was the chart below which looks at the profit margin of the funds management industry in the UK. Nice work…

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Interesting Stat Of The Day

A little while ago I was playing around looking at the returns on the components of the S&P/ASX 200 in order to get a sense of what the distribution of returns for the year to date were starting to looked like. One of the reasons for doing this is that markets seems to be in…

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Have A Guess….Any Guess

I should add that once a year Marc Faber who is cited often on this chart pops up and says the end of the world is coming. No doubt one year it will and he will bounce around in triumph and the dimwitted double digit IQ plonks in the media will laud him as a genius.…

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And Before We Gloat

About how good things have been consider this months top 10 performing global indices. The most impressive gain has been  by the major Venezuelan index which is up an astonishing 99% – which is not bad for a country that is going down the gurgler.

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A Conversation With Dan Ariely About What Shapes Our Motivations

It’s astonishing to me how some ideas endure even when it’s obvious that they are no longer relevant,” Dan Ariely writes in his latest book, Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations. A professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University, Ariely relentlessly examines our assumptions about ourselves—and finds they’re often totally misconstrued.…

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Why You Can’t Help But Act Your Age

In 1979, psychologist Ellen Langer and her students carefully refurbished an old monastery in Peterborough, New Hampshire, to resemble a place that would have existed two decades earlier. They invited a group of elderly men in their late 70s and early 80s to spend a week with them and live as they did in 1959,…

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