Another Day Another Strategy

One of the difficulties that new investors face is the extraordinary range of investing strategies that are presented to them. These strategies are often presented as gospel from what new traders would perceive to be sources of authority. One of the oldest chestnuts that I absolutely abhor is the notion of dollar cost averaging which…

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Do You Make This Trading Mistake? by Louise Bedford

Yeah, yeah… usually I’m saying “Move, Act, Hurry”… but today, I want to consider the power of putting on the brake. Generally, procrastination is the language of the poor. It’s a key difference between the way the rich and the poor think. The rich aim to learn a new skill, implement it immediately, and reinforce…

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Does Money Make You Happy?

Before I simply bellow FUCK YES in an infantile manner and sign off it is worth having a look at what the literature says about the impact of wealth not only on your psychological wellbeing but also upon your general health, life outcomes and overall demeanour. Two papers I recently read looked at this topic…

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Napoleon was the Best General Ever, and the Math Proves it.

Among all generals, Napoleon had the highest WAR (16.679) by a large margin. In fact, the next highest performer, Julius Caesar (7.445 WAR), had less than half the WAR accumulated by Napoleon across his battles. Napoleon benefited from the large number of battles in which he led forces. Among his 43 listed battles, he won 38 and…

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Everyone Is Delusional

I came across this chart below which examines the most common lies that people tell on their CV’s. Source – YourGovUK It is fairly obvious that the most common lie relates to either education or qualification and this is a point I have some personal experience with. Many, many years ago when I was silly…

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16 Things Your Successful Friends Have Given Up

Sit down and think, for a moment, about what your successful friends do compared to your loser friends that complain. If you don’t have any successful friends, then you need these tips I’m about to share more than anyone. Your successful friends think differently, speak differently, and work 10 times harder than your loser friends.…

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Whats Your Game?

My YouTube feed recently picked up a news item on the British Indoor Rowing Championships – my major point of surprise was that there was such a thing and this surprise was compounded by the fact that many were using it as a warm up event for the 2020 Summer Games. That’s right indoor rowing…

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