A Hamster Has Been Trading Cryptocurrencies

A hamster in Germany is redefining “A Random Walk Down Wall Street” author Burton Malkiel’s belief that a blindfolded monkey throwing darts at a stock ticker list in the newspaper could do just as good as a human investment professional. The livestreamed hamster, named Mr. Goxx, has been independently trading a portfolio of various cryptocurrencies since June 12, and…

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What Is A Breakout?

Whilst much is written about the many aspects of trader psychology little is written about how boring trading can be as you either wait for an appropriate signal to appear or you sit with an existing position. Trading requires a great deal of patience – the problem is that everything associated with markets seems to…

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The Mentor Program is Your Next Step

  Chris Tate and Louise Bedford’s 6-month, repeat-for-free Mentor Program will help you develop a fabulous trading lifestyle, where you call the shots. To get involved, register for Priority Notification. Yes, there’s a waiting list. Yes, a lot of people miss out every year. The only way to get involved is to stick up your…

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The Sky Is Falling

Or so said Henny Penny in the well known story and this seems to be the reaction of everyone on my LinkedIn feed at present. So a little bit of context is needed and as usual this context is provided by looking at data – a surprisingly rare occurrence in the world of finance. If…

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Iron Ore

I am lead to believe that the Australian financial media have only just noticed that iron ore has been falling for two months. Just for those in the media who need to come up to speed here is a chart.

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Well That Also Sucks

I have just snipped the image below as the market in the US closes. The US market is apparently being rattled by the potential for ripple effects from Evergrande the Chinese real estate group which as can be seen below does look distinctly wobbly. However, markets go up and markets go down. I understand that…

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Emotional Investment

One of the most difficult issues for traders to overcome is their emotional investment in the outcome of any trade they take. Every time you take a trade long or short there is some degree of emotional investment even in the most experienced trader. There is no nexus between being right and being profitable but…

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Opportunities 3

I was playing with the top 500 local stocks by capitalisation and decided to generate the table below which looks at the year to year performance of the top 10% which I arranged into very loose bins below. As you would expect there are a small number of outliers and a cluster around the bottom…

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All Ords TR vs ASX/S&P200 TR

With nothing else to do during lockdown, I thought I would have a little fun with excel and look at two closely related indices and see if analysing their returns told me any substantive. Spoiler alert it didn’t other than there were times when the All Ords TR did better and times when the ASX/S&P/200…

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How Much Is Your Super Fund Costing You

In this post, I had a bit of a dig at the self-congratulatory nature of super funds and their lack of performance. In my piece, I mentioned that the long term rate for super funds was quoted at being around 7% for the past 30 years. So I decided to see what the differential between…

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The Five Universal Laws of Human Stupidity

It’s been one of those days, maybe I am underselling this, let’s call it one of those years…. In 1976, a professor of economic history at the University of California, Berkeley published an essay outlining the fundamental laws of a force he perceived as humanity’s greatest existential threat: Stupidity. Stupid people, Carlo M. Cipolla explained, share…

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