Tantrum Of The Week

I was going to drop this into the email of the week category but it seemed to be more of a sook of the week sort of thing. Unfortunately, this one wasn’t sent to me so I had to read it over LB’s shoulder but its contents are more than worthy pf repeating. Our erstwhile correspondent stated that…

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The Golden Ratio is Total Nonsense

There is something in this for traders. Whenever, you start to see someone drop magic lines all over their charts you know that one of two things is true. They are struggling in the market and need emotional support or they simply dont know what they are doing. In the world of art, architecture, and design,…

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Can Bankers Behave…..Probably Not…

I have mentioned this study briefly before but this is nice long form piece. This idea—that Wall Street takes in ambitious, hardworking young people and corrupts them—is the premise of a recent study, “Business Culture and Dishonesty in the Banking Industry,” by three economists at the University of Zurich. The researchers recruited 128 employees from…

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Expectation Versus Reality

Trading presents us with a unique paradox in that we have to be confident enough to attempt to undertake it but not so confident that we blow ourselves up. Unfortunately, most new traders fall into the category of how hard could it be. The majority of new traders have what I would call a here…

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Nasdaq Bubble?

With the Nasdaq moving to challenge its all time high the question being asked is whether this bull run and move to new highs is a bubble. From my perspective the question is pointless since whether a market could be defined as being in a bubble or not is a function of whatever narrative you…

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