The 1980’s

With them dropping Bond into a box today I thought it was a good time to reflect and reminisce on the 1980’s. One of the good things about having been around so long is that you get a keen sense of the history of the markets – this is one of the things the fly…

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The Mischievous Science of Richard Thaler

Thaler has a mischievous mind. At the same time that he was producing his math-heavy dissertation, he started asking people two questions. The first: How much would you pay to eliminate a mortality risk of 1 in 100,000? The second: How much would you have to be paid to accept a mortality risk of 1 in 100,000?…

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One of the great  problems that traders of any size and ilk face is the notion of being taken seriously by friends, family and the community at large. Telling people you are a trader often conjures up all sorts of negativity, this process is not helped by the nonsense things that they read. This morning I…

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Change Your Socks

In late 1950 the Korean War appeared to be heading to what seemed to be an inevitable UN victory. The North Korean army had been shattered and UN forces had moved swiftly through North Korea and were sitting just south of the Yalu River, which marked the border with neighbouring China. In a spectacular failure…

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Everyone Wants To Be Happy

As a therapist, the number-one goal I hear from my patients is: “I just want to be happy.” I ask, “What would being happy mean to you?” The answers range from “Everything I wish for will happen” to “I will feel good all the time” to “I won’t ever feel sad or disappointed.” These patients…

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What An Ordinary Market Looks Like

During the week I posted a link to some remarkable charts coming out of China. These show what a market in the grip of mania look like. The chart below is what a market that is struggling to get out of bed looks like.  

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Its Friday

And I am about to jump a plane to speak at Michael Yardneys Wealth Retreat but before I go, a little something that reinforces the first rule of Buddhism – dont be a dickhead….    

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