Interesting Thought

  HERE’S A GREAT thought by Seth Godin: “There’s a common mistranslation that causes us trouble. We say, “I am afraid,” as if the fear is us, forever. We don’t say, “I am a fever” or “I am a sore foot.” No, in those cases, we acknowledge that it’s a temporary condition, something we have,…

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Cane Toad Narcotics

MY FUR-NEPHEW IS a sausage dog name Wilfred. His hobby? Hunting down can toads. Once he catches one, he rolls it on its side. Then he gently squashes it with his paw and delightedly licks the oozing yellow poison it secretes from its slimy glands. Wilfred then gets an immediate hallucinogenic high, and wins an…

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Fortune Favours the Educated Bold

THE MAJORITY OF HIGH achieving traders have big brass balls. They dump them in a wheel barrow just to get around. They need them to combat the arrows of condemnation they experience from family members, work colleagues and 9-5 enthusiasts. This isn’t a gender specific comment mind you. I have just as many hugely successful…

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Was just scrolling through some charts (something I dont normally do when travelling) and I noticed that since passing the $1T mark AMZN has lost almost 25% of its value. Which is something that has occurred in the past. Despite this it is still up 39% on a rolling yearly basis,about 320% on a five…

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How Our Physical Health Impacts Our Trading Psychology

*  Recent research suggests that a sedentary lifestyle–one without exercise–is more harmful to our health than smoking, diabetes, or high blood pressure.  The lack of aerobic fitness is a larger risk factor for mortality than having many medical conditions that we regard as necessary to treat. *  Poor posture, such as sitting hunched over a screen for…

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Have Institutional Investors Spoiled the Hedge Fund Party?

Hedge fund performance has declined precipitously since the 1990s as assets under management have exploded. The managers are not solely to blame. While alpha has withered, large institutional investors have piled into large hedge fund managers that are perceived to be safe — an industry transformation beautifully summarized by Blackstone Group: The original hedge fund clients,…

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Hot Hands and Cold Feet

Sports analogies often help us think about how we make investing decisions. Are there streaks in random data? Do past results affect future ones? And most importantly, if you know people have certain biases, what can you do to get a leg up? In this episode, hosts Dan Villalon and Gabe Feghali talk to AQR Principal and…

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Where Do Trading Ideas Come From?

The thing that got me thinking about this idea was a piece that flashed briefly across one of my aggregators about which was better Coke (KO) or Pepsi (PEP) and I dont mean in the ways of the old Pepsi challenge that some of us would remember. To be honest I didn’t pay it much…

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