Russell 2000 Vs S&P500 Vs Dow

The chart offers an interesting comparison between the Russell 2000, S&P 500, and the Dow. You can see in the past five days the broader market has outperformed the other two. The broader market which it could be argued is a better barometer of overall market health than the Dow has in the past week…

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Ten Minutes With Tate Volatility

This video is a repost of one I did last year. I decided to repost it because I did a brief media piece a little while ago and the topic of volatility came up tangentially. Volatility did not come directly but it was implied that because the market had gone down that this automatically meant…

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It Was The Best Of Times It Was The Worst Of Times

A chart similar to the one below has been doing the rounds lately. I It generally accompanies a chart similar to the one I spoke about here – both are used to bolster the narrative that the world is going to end very shortly. Unfortunately, such arguments are a reflection of trying to find data…

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Nui Onoue

A few weeks ago I wrote a piece looking at Japan’s extraordinary asset bubble of the 1980s. Such bubbles always throw up some odd players. Locally we had a handful of corporate titans strutting around. Many of whom ended up broke, in jail, or both. Whilst looking up some material for the piece I came…

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It Is Not Always A Good Time To Invest

One of the stupidest axioms in investing is that it is always a good time to invest despite there being no evidence that this is true and substantial evidence to the contrary. The common argument is that if you are not always invested you will miss the good days and a handful of good days…

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Something To Show Your Financial Advisor

I recently got an email blurb from a fund manager boasting that they had an average return of 9% over 15 years therefore they were superstars. This prompted me to do a bit of Google-fu and look up the latest stats for the All Ords Accumulation Index and its long term return. The average long…

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More Than Half Of All Bitcoin Trades Are Fake

Within the emerging and turbulent market for cryptocurrencies, where there are no fewer than 10,000 tokens, bitcoin, is the great granddaddy, the blue-chip, representing 40% of the $1 trillion in crypto assets outstanding. Bitcoin is crypto’s gateway drug. An estimated 46 million adult Americans already own it according to New York Digital Investment Group, and an increasing…

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The Crypto Geniuses Who Vaporized a Trillion Dollars

The boat was a beauty of a thing: some 500 tons across 171 feet of glass and steel as white as Santorini. All rounded edges, the five decks — one with a glass-bottom pool — were made for July on the Mediterranean, sunset dinners among the islands near Sicily, cocktails in the turquoise shallows off…

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