A Fool And His Money.

What is interesting about trading and investing is that its participants largely think that the things they experience are unique in some way when in reality they have simply found another mechanism for expressing all the foibles of being human (read stupid). These displays of being all too human result in traders being subject to…

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Pop quiz. If someone suggested to you that you should undergo a mandatory 28-day quarantine to come and give a presentation to them in person that could be done over Zoom would you – a) Tell them to get stuffed. b) Tell them to get stuffed. c) Tell them to get stuffed. If you answered…

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Where Did All the Rogue Traders Go?

…Nick Leeson wasn’t the first rogue trader in history and, despite the controls put in place after he’d brought down Barings, he wasn’t the last. Not six months after Leeson was caught, a trader in Daiwa Bank’s New York office confessed to over ten years of unauthorised dealing activity, leading to losses of over $1…

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Make Peace with Your Unlived Life

….The idea of a “true self” and a “false” or “shadow” self has long preoccupied psychologists. For example, Carl Jung introduced the notion of the shadow side of our personality. He viewed “the shadow” as our unknown, dark side—made up of the primitive, negative, socially depreciated human emotions such as sexuality, striving for power, selfishness,…

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Vaccines, Emotions and Investment Decisions

Vaccines have a behavioural problem. If they are effective then they can eradicate a risk from our lives. The successful development of vaccines means that we are no longer exposed to a variety of illnesses that were debilitating and devastating. Yet because we don’t experience these traumas, it is easy to overlook the incredible benefits…

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If You Ever Wondered Why?

Most people in life go nowhere that is a given and they go nowhere because even when given an opportunity to make a small difference to their lives they do something stupid. I have had the graphic below sitting on my junk file for awhile cluttered in with all the rest of the detritus I…

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How Much Conviction Do You Hold in Your Investment Views?

I recently read War and Chance by Jeffrey A. Friedman, which considers how foreign policy specialists deal with the uncertainty that surrounds their high stakes decisions.  Friedman focuses on an historic reticence to explicitly discuss either probabilities or confidence levels when making subjective judgements.  Whilst the impact of decisions made around the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden…

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