Who Actually Feels Satisfied About Money?

These days, not even the rich feel rich. According to a recent survey by the financial-advisory firm Ameriprise Financial, only 13 percent of American millionaires classify themselves as wealthy. Even some of those surveyed who had more than $5 million across their bank accounts, investments, and retirement accounts said they didn’t feel rich. If multimillionaires don’t feel…

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The Man Who Solved the Market

    Although rumors of its performance have long circulated on Wall Street, the actual numbers are even more mind-blowing: From 1988 to 2018, Medallion returned 66.1% annually before fees. Net of fees, the gains were 39.1%. Estimated trading profits during those 30 years amounted to $104.5 billion. (About those fees: If the standard hedge…

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Online Trading Summit

When I was at school my reports used to say many things about me. Not all of them flattering but what does stick in my mind are two things. Firstly, a teacher who commented that it was a good thing they stuck a size 10 mouth in a size 10 body. Secondly, not all that…

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The Economy Is Not The Market….Stupid….

Apparently the IMF recently compared the Australian economy unfavourably to that of Greece which apparently is a fair kick in the balls. This, of course, sent everyone into a tailspin particular our politicians who are too stupid to be able to read a graph and are locked within the narrow intellectual constraints of their own…

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Absolute Success is Luck. Relative Success is Hard Work.

In 1997, Warren Buffett, the famous investor and multi-billionaire, proposed a thought experiment. “Imagine that it is 24 hours before you are going to be born,” he said, “and a genie comes to you.”  “The genie says you can determine the rules of the society you are about to enter and you can design anything…

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How Hedge Funds Get Rich

I used to think that those that ran hedge funds got rich because of their incredible returns. Then I heard about the 2 and 20 fee structure that most hedge funds charged. The typical hedge fund fee structure (historically) is 2% of assets under management and 20% of all positive returns. Therefore, if you gave…

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The Miracle Cure

As miracle cures are hard to come by, any claims that a treatment is 100% safe and effective must always be viewed with intense scepticism. There is perhaps one exception. Physical activity has been called a miracle cure by no less a body than the Academy of Medical Sciences (; and, like those who avail…

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Final Thoughts – October 2019

WE GET SO BUSY making a living, we forget that we need to make a life. Most of us are working until the end of the week, so we get to the weekend, only to start all over again. Surely there’s more to life than this? Sometimes it takes the most uncomfortable path to lead…

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Some Wisdom from Mark Twain

“I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” “20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your…

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Teach Your Daughters About Super

MOST WOMEN RETIRE with much less superannuation than men. This makes it particularly difficult for single women and widows. Plus, on average, women live almost five years longer than men. But why? Taking the pay gap aside, and the fact that women are more likely to work part-time and take time off for child-rearing… let’s…

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