Complete Futility

As a history buff I am somewhat of a Max Hastings fan – his writing on history is both sweeping and insightful. Having read this piece I am struggling to find reasons to disagree with him and I am struggling to find reasons why this phenomena is not universal. If you live a normal life…

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Winners And Losers

Little piece from WSJ on who is winning and who isnt among hedge funds. Interesting to see that John Paulson who was a big winner with his bet against housing is not doing so well.

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Winners And Losers

Little piece from WSJ on who is winning and who isnt among hedge funds. Interesting to see that John Paulson who was a big winner with his bet against housing is not doing so well.

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Complete Futility

As a history buff I am somewhat of a Max Hastings fan – his writing on history is both sweeping and insightful. Having read this piece I am struggling to find reasons to disagree with him and I am struggling to find reasons why this phenomena is not universal. If you live a normal life…

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Quite Apt

Having listened to a lot of the drivel that is being sprouted as expert commentary over the past few days I thought this rather neatly summed up the standard of comments.

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Quite Apt

Having listened to a lot of the drivel that is being sprouted as expert commentary over the past few days I thought this rather neatly summed up the standard of comments.

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I’m Relaxed….How Are You Doing?

I have just returned from a rather extended breakfast with someone to find that the market has continued to crap itself. You might ask how I can only just be getting back from brekky at 11.30 – surely I would have been in front of the screen from first light. Nope……not a chance, but I…

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I’m Relaxed….How Are You Doing?

I have just returned from a rather extended breakfast with someone to find that the market has continued to crap itself. You might ask how I can only just be getting back from brekky at 11.30 – surely I would have been in front of the screen from first light. Nope……not a chance, but I…

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