From Geek To Wall Street To Start Up

With the rush of quants to financial institutions it is interesting see this journey from the perspective of someone who got off the money boat to do something else. Why founding a three-person startup with zero revenue is better than working for Goldman Sachs. I joined Goldman Sachs in 2005, after five flailing years in…

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They Got A Grant For This

Effects of chewing gum on cognitive function, mood and physiology in stressed and non-stressed volunteers. RATIONALE: Recent research suggests that chewing gum may improve aspects of cognitive function and mood. There is also evidence suggesting that chewing gum reduces stress. It is important, therefore, to examine these two areas and to determine whether contextual factors…

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A Metaphor For The Greek Economy

Was sent these pics of  Greek Air Force Mirage that decided it preferred life as a submarine and just couldnt help but compare it to the Greek Economy. I am not so certain that the Greek economy will be lifted out of the drink so easily.      

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Who Is A Clever Dick Then?

I’ve often thought that trading is the world’s most equal opportunity employer. This wonderful fact comes about because the market neither knows nor cares about you. Therefore by extension it doesn’t care about your age, race, religion, sex or education. The fact that you may have an MBA from the Wharton School of Business or…

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Who Is A Clever Dick Then?

I’ve often thought that trading is the world’s most equal opportunity employer. This wonderful fact comes about because the market neither knows nor cares about you. Therefore by extension it doesn’t care about your age, race, religion, sex or education. The fact that you may have an MBA from the Wharton School of Business or…

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A Metaphor For The Greek Economy

Was sent these pics of  Greek Air Force Mirage that decided it preferred life as a submarine and just couldnt help but compare it to the Greek Economy. I am not so certain that the Greek economy will be lifted out of the drink so easily.

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The Prince Who Blew Through Billions

I occassionally play a thought game with friends – the object of this game is to see if it is possible to blow through a vast fortune and have nothing to show for it. Apparently it is quite easy – When two British lawyers, Faith Zaman and Thomas Derbyshire, signed on in 2004 to manage…

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The Prince Who Blew Through Billions

I occassionally play a thought game with friends – the object of this game is to see if it is possible to blow through a vast fortune and have nothing to show for it. Apparently it is quite easy – When two British lawyers, Faith Zaman and Thomas Derbyshire, signed on in 2004 to manage…

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Where Is The Fear?

One thing has me puzzled – apparently because of the PIIG’s the financial world is about to end. Yet, oddly enough for a world that is about to go tits up there is a remarkable lack of fear in the market as evidenced by the continued tendency of the VIX to dwaddle along doing nothing…

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Where Is The Fear?

One thing has me puzzled – apparently because of the PIIG’s the financial world is about to end. Yet, oddly enough for a world that is about to go tits up there is a remarkable lack of fear in the market as evidenced by the continued tendency of the VIX to dwaddle along doing nothing…

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I’m O.K., You’re a Psychopath

Little essay from the NY Times reviewing –  The Science of Evil: On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty by Cambridge cognitive scientist Simon Baron Cohen (his cousin is comic Sasha Braon Cohen) Cohen also discusses the same concepts here If ever you wanted an example of the appalling nature capacity of the human race…

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Seminar Bingo

Jorge Cham is a former roboticist who gave up acemia to become a comic, he produces the comic strip PhD Comics His little graphic below whilst referencing academic presentations is pretty much spot on for any presentation.  

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