Size Does Matter

Whilst wading through all the associated bibs and bobs that accumulate when you are away, this article popped into my feed this morning. For those too lazy to read it and I wouldn’t blame you it is a mild hysteria piece by Fairfax on the collapse of China’s state owned energy producers – PetroChina. Apparently,…

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Things Dont Change Much

Whilst I was away I only occasionally stole a glance at the market. I long ago lost the need to be in constant contact with the market – gone are the days of religiously carrying a pager and trying to do stupid things such as trade the meltdown in the GBP from an airport lounge…

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Being Home

I find returning home from my regular jaunts to be a jarring experience. I can feel the gears of my life away grinding with those of my “regular” life. When this first began to happen I used to think it was simply a case of jet-lag or post holiday blues but over time I have…

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Our travels…

I’m just hi-jacking Chris’s blog for a minute to tell you how we’re going on our trip to Singapore and London. We loved sophisticated Singapore, and had a great time catching up with our fantastic Mentoree (circa 2008) – Fred. It’s been great to see how he’s grown, and to see that he’s been so…

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Gamblers, Scientists and the Mysterious Hot Hand

IN the opening act of Tom Stoppard’s play “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead,” the two characters are passing the time by betting on the outcome of a coin toss. Guildenstern retrieves a gold piece from his bag and flips it in the air. “Heads,” Rosencrantz announces as he adds the coin to his growing collection.…

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