Growth or Bust

If there were more corporate collapses, the economy would be a healthier place Given the collapse of Comet last week, here’s a contrarian claim: far too many companies are staying solvent, avoiding bankruptcy and continuing to trade despite the troubled economy. If only we had a few more corporate collapses, the economy would be a…

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Weekend Reading

Venice Under Water Pundit Shaming After Sandy, a great and complex city reveals traumas new and old An ancient civilization’s wet ascent, dry demise Before and After Superstorm Sandy    

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Career Choices

For those considering a career in finance be warned this is the sort of person you will be working with. This is Olivier Desbarres the now sacked of FX strategy for the Asia-Pacific, this little rant apparently occurred because builders in his neighbourhood were making a bit too much noise.   I used to work…

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Quote Of The Day

‘A Person Becomes Old When His Mind Is More Occupied By Memories Than Aspirations’ This extremely perceptive quote is apparently attributed to web designer Navin Kulkarni a web designer who I am unfamiliar.

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Singularity Summit

I offer these videos with only one comment – my pc doesn’t work properly all the time so the chance of being able to upload an individuals consciousness to an external storage device are f#4k all. The 1950’s had flying cars and atomic powered fridges and we have singularity……

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Mail Bag Time

Its time to dig into my mail bag and see what half baked homilies which pass for series content  I have received this week. This weeks winner comes from an email newsletter I seem to be getting that has the quote….. “Get out of the casino, own Corporate America and hold it forever! No trading,…

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