Email Of The Week

With it being Friday it is time to select a winner from out emails to blog central and this week we have a bit of a corker. My house is open for inspection for the first day on Saturday. If it takes a while to sell I will need to success with my shares. I…

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Traditionally westerners equate activity with productive effort, as such the more noise and the more fuss you make the more productive you are. The same philosophy drifts into trading, as such trading becomes an activity-based endevour, which then migrates into entertainment. Research by W.B. Canoles, S.R. Thompson, S.H. Irwin, and V.G. France in their paper…

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You Learn Something Everyday

The Dow was at first purely an industrial average, with separate averages for railroads and utilities. But it soon evolved into an index that tried to represent the U.S. economy as a whole. Today, the Dow contains such distinctly non-industrial stocks as Home Depot Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co., as well as General Electric Co.…

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Traditionally westerners equate activity with productive effort, as such the more noise and the more fuss you make the more productive you are. The same philosophy drifts into trading, as such trading becomes an activity-based endevour, which then migrates into entertainment. Research by W.B. Canoles, S.R. Thompson, S.H. Irwin, and V.G. France in their paper An…

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Conspiracy Theories

Unfortunately the default human behaviour of being consumed with irrationality is common. In markets this leads to a range of inane behaviours but one which seems to be running rampant at present is the various conspiracy theories running around the market. Everything from the new Prime Minister of Italy being a Goldman Sachs plant to…

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Conspiracy Theories

Unfortunately the default human behaviour of being consumed with irrationality is common. In markets this leads to a range of inane behaviours but one which seems to be running rampant at present is the various conspiracy theories running around the market. Everything from the new Prime Minister of Italy being a Goldman Sachs plant to the massive…

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Sector Destruction

I have to confess that I like everyone on the planet it seems is a customer of an online book retailer. After being gouged for decades by local bookstores who thought that stealing off people was a good business model it is somewhat of a relief to deal with the Amazon/Book Depository/Fishponds of the world.…

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Sector Destruction

I have to confess that I like everyone on the planet it seems is a customer of an online book retailer. After being gouged for decades by local bookstores who thought that stealing off people was a good business model it is somewhat of a relief to deal with the Amazon/Book Depository/Fishponds of the world.…

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Now We’re Talking

This is a headline to brighten the day of anyone caught up in the Man Financial debacle Chinese Fund Managers Sentenced to Death after Cheating Investors out of 1 Billion USD More here

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