The Things You Think Of

Whilst having one of my regular floats this morning I was pondering the surprise of people that prices after an extended run have a period of contraction, to me this has always been the natural order of things. I understand that various aspects of optimism and recency bias  afflict people but it still intrigues me that…

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The League of Extraordinary Assholes

WHO AMONG US has not felt the affront? Macadamia nuts arrive in a bag, not on a dish, and something shrivels in the soul. Are we animals? Did we execute the challenging task of being born insanely wealthy only to eat in-flight snacks from a bag? We did not. And that is why, when Korean…

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Champion Cyclist Who Never Grows Old

It’s two days after Ned Overend’s 60th birthday, his back hurts, and he’s staring into the weeds at Suicide Six—billed as one of the oldest ski areas in the East—puzzling out how to avoid a broken hip. He pushes his gray carbon cyclocross bike up a 30-degree slope, noting ruts, loose dirt, a toad, and…

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Well At Least He Was Honest

But I’m not primarily interested in the main story. Instead, I’m struck by a line of testimony offered at trial by then-Bear CEO Jimmy Cayne that does not even show up in subsequent court opinions, despite extensive recitals of the facts of the case. The generally “cocksure” Cayne apparently thought that his firm could be in…

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I have often written that courage is an underrated commodity in trading. In fact it is rarely mentioned. Most of  the time the psychological toughness required to trade is ignored by people in the trading education business. It is spoken about by actual traders but those on the sell side of the business rarely if ever…

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