Former Darlings Of The Pandemic.

It is interesting how nothing lasts forever and sentiment can change in the blink of an eye. Peloton was supposed to revolutionise fitness and Zoom was to be the tool that carried us through the boom in working from home. Sentiment can be a bastard of a thing if you are on the wrong side…

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How to Invest Your Money When Inflation is High

Inflation is back with a vengeance.  This week the BLS reported 6.2% inflation for the year ending October 2021. And, as Bloomberg noted, this is the highest inflation has been since 1990: While this can be somewhat alarming, inflation from October 2019 to October 2020 was just 1.2%, so the two-year inflation is about 3.7% on an annualized…

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How to perform well under pressure

Whatever sphere you inhabit, whether you’re a pro or amateur athlete, businessperson, teacher, full-time parent or something else entirely, you’re bound to have felt the pressure of your own expectations and the expectations of others. Almost everyone must cope with daunting situations, in which they don’t feel they have the skills needed to succeed and…

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Limited Attention, Marital Events and Hedge Funds

Abstract We explore the impact of limited attention by analyzing the performance of hedge fund managers who are distracted by marital events. We find that marriages and divorces are associated with significantly lower fund alpha, during the six-month period surrounding and the two-year period after the event. Busy managers who manage multiple funds and who…

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The Economics of the Beatles vs. the Rolling Stones

After watching the Beatles: Get Back sessions, Cameron Abadi was inspired to dive deeper into the economics of the Beatles versus the Rolling Stones with Adam Tooze. So, rock lovers rejoice, that’s what you’ll get in the second half of Ones and Tooze this week. But first, Tooze and Abadi dig into the heated online debate over price controls.…

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What The Universe Has To Say About Your 2022 Money Prospects

The future is often uncertain and after the unprecedented times we’ve had over the past two years there are many pinning hopes on 2022 being the year it all turns around—but will it? Yahoo Finance asked Manifestor Linda Willow Roberts for her thoughts on what the New Year will look like. More here –  Yahoo Finance PS: My thoughts…

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Mark Twain, Framing and Scarcity

In the second chapter of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer the protagonist is in a spot of bother. He has been involved in another scrap and as punishment is tasked by Aunt Polly to spend his precious Saturday whitewashing ‘thirty yards of board-fence nine feet high’. It seemed that a bleak day lay ahead for…

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These Camels Weren’t Born With It

For those who feel they have heard everything. Saudi authorities have disqualified 43 camels from the King Abdulaziz Camel Festival in what’s being called the biggest-ever crackdown on camel beauty contestants in history, the Associated Press reported. The annual month-long festival sees the most beautiful camels competing for $66 million in prize money, with jurors scoring…

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