
The current bubble in social media companies is fascinating to watch and has all the hallmarks of every bubble since the Dutch Tulip boom. I have had a voyeuristic interest in Groupon for some time. I have a mate whose extended family is involved in a similar venture domestically – which has proved to be…

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Meaningless Chart Of The Week

The Yanks seem ever so fond of these weird ways of measuring things. The past masters of this seem to be ever so neatly named chart of the day. I suppose pointless chart of the day is too long to stick in a url. Next week I will bring you the weight of my car…

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Meaningless Chart Of The Week

The Yanks seem ever so fond of these weird ways of measuring things. The past masters of this seem to be ever so neatly named chart of the day. I suppose pointless chart of the day is too long to stick in a url.Next week I will bring you the weight of my car measured…

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The current bubble in social media companies is fascinating to watch and has all the hallmarks of every bubble since the Dutch Tulip boom. I have had a voyeuristic interest in Groupon for some time. I have a mate whose extended family is involved in a similar venture domestically – which has proved to be…

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While On The Topic Of Bubbles

Market efficiency, anticipation and the formation of bubbles-crashes A dynamical model is introduced for the formation of a bullish or bearish trends driving an asset price in a given market. Initially, each agent decides to buy or sell according to its personal opinion, which results from the combination of its own private information, the public…

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WTF Moment Of The Week 2

I have been chatting with another trader regarding the USD and they sent me this article from The Economist which screams loudly – Read this speech, then sell the dollar Well I didnt read the article for several reasons. 1. I couldnt be stuffed. 2. I dont think I would understand it – the dismal…

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Investment Advice from George Carlin

Excellent little piece by Kent Thune – The Investment Philosopher I believe philosophers can be the best investors and that comedians can be the best philosophers.  Therefore one may logically deduce that comedians can make the best investors. Look no further than the philosophy of the late and great George Carlin to prove my point:…

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Investment Advice from George Carlin

Excellent little piece by Kent Thune – The Investment Philosopher I believe philosophers can be the best investors and that comedians can be the best philosophers.  Therefore one may logically deduce that comedians can make the best investors. Look no further than the philosophy of the late and great George Carlin to prove my point:…

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WTF Moment Of The Week 2

I have been chatting with another trader regarding the USD and they sent me this article from The Economist which screams loudly – Read this speech, then sell the dollar Well I didnt read the article for several reasons. 1. I couldnt be stuffed. 2. I dont think I would understand it – the dismal…

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Can someone explain what this means to me because I am buggered if I can understand what they are recommending. If some one tells me how this could possibly be ever traded as opposed to written about I would be grateful.

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Simple Heresy

Piece from Science Week about how very simple decision making processes are trumping very complex financial machinations. My favourite part – Given a portfolio of the same 50 stocks, an investor would need to wait 500 years before Markowitz’s Nobel-winning formula yielded superior returns to 1/N, the researchers estimated.

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I am a bit of a fitness app connoisseur and like the idea of keeping all my data in one spot but since I am not of the narcissistic generation I would probably untick the box that saws spill my guts and share every aspect of my life with everyone else on the planet.

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Can someone explain what this means to me because I am buggered if I can understand what they are recommending. If some one tells me how this could possibly be ever traded as opposed to written about I would be grateful.

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I am a bit of a fitness app connoisseur and like the idea of keeping all my data in one spot but since I am not of the narcissistic generation I would probably untick the box that saws spill my guts and share every aspect of my life with everyone else on the planet.

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Simple Heresy

Piece from Science Week about how very simple decision making processes are trumping very complex financial machinations. My favourite part – Given a portfolio of the same 50 stocks, an investor would need to wait 500 years before Markowitz’s Nobel-winning formula yielded superior returns to 1/N, the researchers estimated.    

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