Charts Of Interest 20/08/15

A slightly different Charts of Interest this week as I felt that the recent events in markets deserved a little bit of commentary. All to often sudden moves in the market catch traders both tactically unaware and emotionally unprepared.  There has been a single dominant theme in US markets since the first quarter of this year…

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Reflections On A Night Out

Whilst in Sydney I was surprised to be able to go and see Chris Hadfield, Canadian astronaut, singer of David Bowie songs, all around overachiever  and author of my favourite book of last year.  Upon leaving the lovely old State Theatre my immediate thought was that every bullshit motivational speaker in the world should just…

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Pattern Recognition And Sports Data

One of the most important findings in sports genetics is that your ability to improve with respect to a certain training program is mediated by your genes, so it’s really important to find the kind of training program that’s best tailored to your physiology. … The skills it takes for team sports, these perceptual skills,…

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How Wall Street’s Bankers Stayed Out of Jail

On May 27, in her first major prosecutorial act as the new U.S. attorney general, Loretta Lynch unsealed a 47-count indictment against nine FIFA officials and another five corporate executives. She was passionate about their wrongdoing. “The indictment alleges corruption that is rampant, systemic, and deep-rooted both abroad and here in the United States,” she said. “Today’s action…

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ETF Liquidity Risk

So I finally got off my fat arse and updated the ETF table I produced a week or so ago. This time I added, last price, daily turnover and dollar liquidity. To calculate daily liquidity I simply multiplied the last price by the average 3 months volume as defined by Yahoo. This gives a fairly…

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Conquering Complexity With Simple Rules

What do burglars, Stanford’s football team, and Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen have in common? They all use simple rules to help them navigate complex challenges, according to a new book by Stanford professor Kathleen Eisenhardt. Many burglars follow just one rule that significantly lowers their risk of getting caught — they pass on houses where…

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