Retail Therapy

I have opined before about my welcoming the death of the local Borders and Angus and Robertson bookstores. There is only so long you can go on ripping people off before they wise up – consumers are many things but there does come a point when they do become price sensitive. This reflexive price sensitivity…

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Retail Therapy

I have opined before about my welcoming the death of the local Borders and Angus and Robertson bookstores. There is only so long you can go on ripping people off before they wise up – consumers are many things but there does come a point when they do become price sensitive. This reflexive price sensitivity…

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To parity and beyond

Well, so much for newspapers screaming that the days of parity were long gone. I think this example presents somewhat of a salutory lesson about trading within a crisis and is and isnt a good idea. It is clear that the AUD broke down into its trading range on the back of events in Japan.…

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Gallon to Gallon

Interesting graphic from Good comparing relative prices. The only thing missing is printer ink which on a rough calculation comes in at about $7,500 per gallon or thereabouts.

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Oh crap………

It had to happen we now have a social media analyst This news is as depressing as the graphic below that shows that Harvard MBA’s are now moving back into Wall St.

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Low testosterone linked with financial risk-taking .

CONJURE up an image of a financial risk-taker, and you’ll probably picture an aggressive Wall Street trader, testosterone surging as he closes the deal. But new research suggests that people with low levels of the male sex hormone are also likely to take financial risks. Previous studies have linked high levels of testosterone to certain…

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To parity and beyond

Well, so much for newspapers screaming that the days of parity were long gone. I think this example presents somewhat of a salutory lesson about trading within a crisis and is and isnt a good idea.   It is clear that the AUD broke down into its trading range on the back of events in Japan. However,…

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Low testosterone linked with financial risk-taking .

CONJURE up an image of a financial risk-taker, and you’ll probably picture an aggressive Wall Street trader, testosterone surging as he closes the deal. But new research suggests that people with low levels of the male sex hormone are also likely to take financial risks. Previous studies have linked high levels of testosterone to certain…

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Oh crap………

It had to happen we now have a social media analyst This news is as depressing as the graphic below that shows that Harvard MBA’s are now moving back into Wall St.  

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Worth the risk?

This is a chart of the Nikkei ETF – I have chosen the US listed version over the local one simply because of the higher volume, greater liquidity and therefore better price discovery. I don’t find the panic selling of the past week very interesting, what I find interesting is that these sellers didn’t seem…

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