John Henry and the Making of a Red Sox Baseball Dynasty

Then, in 1975, Henry’s father died. Suddenly, at 26, he was back in Arkansas and running a 1,000-acre farm. Farmers often guard against volatile crop prices by buying futures contracts to hedge risk. Henry began purchasing soybean and corn futures and soon realized he was more interested in futures trading than farming. As Seth Mnookin…

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Surviving Anxiety

Let’s say you’re sitting in an audience and I’m at the lectern. Here’s what I’ve likely done to prepare. Four hours or so ago, I took my first half milligram of Xanax. (I’ve learned that if I wait too long to take it, my fight-or-flight response kicks so far into overdrive that medication is not…

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S&P 500 Day By Day…..

I came across this image on Bespoke – those folks who generate arrays of dazzling data very few of which are in any way helpful to market participants. It shows the daily change on the S&P 500 since January and I have no idea why this would be of interest but I thought I would…

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I posted the chart below in the MP Alumni forum last week.   I did so for the same reason someone drops a stone in a pond – they want to see where the ripples go. Often the issue with trading or investing is a closed mind or a mind that is set on a…

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This Guy Got $58 Million for 15 Months of Work

Henrique de Castro was booted as COO by Marissa Mayer after she personally poached him from Google about 15 months earlier. Mayer said de Castro “was not a fit and that’s a regrettable conclusion,” but he still walked with $58 million in salary, bonuses and stock. Source – Time I could be twice as incompetent…

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Don’t Be A Member Of The Hedge Fund Club

I believe it was the American writer HL Menken who once said you will never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. A statement that is probably a bit harsh on the Yanks but one that can definitely be applied to those who invest in hedge funds. 2013 was another great year for…

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Careful Who You Let Into Your Head

I try to maintain fairly diversified reading habits. I am a believer that some of the best books about trading never mention trading but rather deal with people and their fallibilities and their successes. I have just finished The Dirt – a biography of 1980’s hair metal band Motley Crue. The back cover of the…

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The New Yorker is getting a bit of a workout this morning – I must be bored. Are speculative bubbles good for the economy? With much of the developed world still suffering the after-effects of the great housing and credit bubble, it might sound like a trick question. On Friday, however, at the annual conference…

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Here are a few of the things that can make you hungry: seeing, smelling, reading, or even thinking about food. Hearing music that reminds you of a good meal. Walking by a place where you once ate something good. Even after you’ve just had a hearty lunch, imagining something delicious can make you salivate. Being…

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NASDAQ 100 Market Internals

I posted this in the Alumni section of our Mentor program forum yesterday and thought I would drop it into the blog for others to see. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————   I have just done the Market wrap segment for Talking Trading and as you would expect part of the focus was on the US and the difficulty…

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The Lefsetz Letter – Flash Boys Rule

I am fan of and subscriber to the Lefsetz Letter – a music industry commentary by Bob Lefstez who has been around longer than I have . Interestingly, a lot of his commentary is about issues that are wider than music alone. This is to be expected because music is both a social and technological…

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