Three Months After

This is from a photo essay from Boston.Com If you look up resilient in the dictionary it might simply say see Japanese and under Japanese it might say see resilient. Meanwhile I am still waiting for my local water supplier to come and fix a leaking pipe outside of my house….its only been a year…

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Our Predictions Are Shit……..Who Cares?

I have opined at length about predictions within the financial market and how crap people are at making predictions and how they and everyone else dont seem to care about their lack of accuracy. Their is not the slightest hint of embarrassment among experts that they are continually wrong. This nice little piece by Robin…

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Three Months After

This is from a photo essay from Boston.Com If you look up resilient in the dictionary it might simply say see Japanese and under Japanese it might say see resilient. Meanwhile I am still waiting for my local water supplier to come and fix a leaking pipe outside of my house….its only been a year…

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Our Predictions Are Shit……..Who Cares?

I have opined at length about predictions within the financial market and how crap people are at making predictions and how they and everyone else dont seem to care about their lack of accuracy. Their is not the slightest hint of embarrassment among experts that they are continually wrong. This nice little piece by Robin…

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The Best Way To Help The Poor Is Not To Be One Of Them

UNITED NATIONS — Without too much fanfare, the United Nations admits in its newest report on the progress of the so-called Millennium Development Goals that wealth creation and not wealth redistribution is the main driver behind reduced levels of extreme poverty around the world. Of course, the UN, being an organization that spends most of…

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Shares Look Cheap….Apparently

I just opened up an email account I keep for subscribing to various bits and pieces that I dont want cluttering up my inbox to be greeted by the ASX Investor Update which is always good for a giggle. The feature story in this one is – Shares Look Cheap. My immediate response was well…

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Easy To Start A Hedge Fund………Harder To Keep It

(Reuters) – Opening a hedge fund is easier now than it has been in years, but keeping it open is a lot tougher, data released on Thursday show. During the first quarter, 298 new hedge funds opened their doors for business, the largest number of launches since before the financial crisis, performance and asset tracker…

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Easy To Start A Hedge Fund………Harder To Keep It

(Reuters) – Opening a hedge fund is easier now than it has been in years, but keeping it open is a lot tougher, data released on Thursday show. During the first quarter, 298 new hedge funds opened their doors for business, the largest number of launches since before the financial crisis, performance and asset tracker…

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