Predictions and other such nonsense

I got bounced this piece by someone else this morning and asked for comment. I was too lazy to actually write anything long winded about how it is nonsense to try and predict the market, how no one knows where the market is going, or how it is foolish to base your investment decisions on…

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Gold Bugs

With North Korea’s new resident whack job running off at the gob and the United States man baby in chief responding I thought it would be interesting to take a look at gold. The supposed safe haven investment that that right wing doomsday preppers and idiot late night tv shonks go on about. There are a…

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How to grow old like an athlete

The question of how to maximise ‘health span’ – the period of life during which we are generally healthy and free from serious disease – is increasingly prevalent both in and out of sport. Global average lifespan doubled during the 20th Century, and this trend continues. Someone who is 50 today could expect to live until they…

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The Profound Power of Consistency

If there’s one piece of advice that I could offer any aspiring creative, it’s this. Develop a habit of consistently doing something. It doesn’t matter what it is, how small or how big it is. It can be as simple as going for a walk or meditating for 2 minutes. It can be as hardcore…

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Survival of the fitbit

I heard the other day that Fitbit the once darling of wearable fitness devices is coming out with a competitor to the plethora of smartwatches that are now on the market. To my eyes Fitbit falls into that wonderful category of companies that either created or dominated a niche and then failed to adapt to…

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How Our Strengths Can Weaken Our Performance

Many years ago, I met with an intern at a trading firm who was struggling with performance despite being mentored by some of our most successful traders. One went so far as to lay out a blueprint for the struggling trainee explaining what he should do in different situations. It was to no avail. The intern…

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When There Is Blood In the Streets

In the way of that selective perception works, shortly after having written a piece on the Art of War the following article popped into my feed – When There is Blood in the Streets which contains the following opening paragraph. There is a famous quote by the 18th century banker Baron Rothschild: The time to buy is when…

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The good old corporate euphemism of exploring new opportunities has been applied to the resignation of CBA CEO Ian Narev. Apparently you are not allowed to say listen mate under your reign we have had a big arse Ponzi scheme, the bank has tried to deny the terminally ill access to insurance they paid for…

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Sun Tze – The Art of War

The video below has lately been doing the round of investment sites and at a little over five minutes long it is a short introduction to the Art of War by Sun Tze.     For many years the Art of War has been a staple of not only business schools but also investment firms.…

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