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Life is expensive. The cost of living seems to be increasing almost as swiftly as Sydney’s house prices, and it can be a struggle to keep your head above water financially, let alone prosper. But do you want to know the truth? Deep down, there’s usually a reason why you’re broke… and it’s often because you…
I tend to agree. Being shot out of the right vagina or playing hide the sausage with the right person should not decide your status. Nor should it imply a status that puts you above everyone else.
According to a survey in 2017 by the Royal Society for Public Health, Britons aged 14-24 believe that Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter have detrimental effects on their wellbeing. On average, they reported that these social networks gave them extra scope for self-expression and community-building. But they also said that the platforms exacerbated anxiety and depression, deprived…
A Beginner’s Guide To Peter Gabriel: 27 Essential Tracks Intriguingly my favourite is missing, although Red Rain comes a close second. This gets the guernsey because of its role in the film Say Anything.
I have been thinking about this piece I posted yesterday. The central tenet is that to admit a mistake is to undermine one’s sense of self. Thus doing so is extremely difficult for professional money managers. My thoughts have drifted to the current round of pending and proposed legal action by shareholders against various companies,…
A good piece with applications at all levels of trading. “It infuriates me to be wrong, when I know I am right.” (Moliere) In a previous job, I worked for an investment consultant who employed a psychologist to assist in their fund manager research process. I vividly recall her making a particularly astute point about…
Since I had a look at the MaxDD for MNF yesterday I thought it would be interesting to see the same for BTC. One of the arguments put forward by BTC fetishists is that BTC would display lower volatility than other currencies or payment methods. Somehow I dont think this claim stacks up, not unless…
Do every day or something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it, so that when the hour of dire need draws nigh, it may find you not unnerved and untrained to stand the test.” – William James.
It is often the preserve of finance journalists to suffer from the almost terminal affliction of hindsight bias – this sort of creeping determinism that some things were obvious all along. Recently I came across an excellent example of this whilst trawling for an online chart on Yahoo Finance. The piece breathlessly claims How buy and…
I enjoy watching people – from afar off course because their actions tell you so much about both them and their lives. For example I have just returned from my local shopping centre which was packed to the rafters with people who had obviously just woken up and realised that tomorrow is Mothers Day and…
Whilst heading back from the gym this morning I heard on the radio that the local market was eyeing off a 10 year high ( a good thing) due to a surge in demand for local miners (perhaps). Naturally I decided to have a look at the comparative performance of the big five local miners…
I have been playing around with the comparative returns from various local indices – this is what happens in Melbourne when the weather turns to shit and I get bored. It has long been known or at least should be that market selection is a cornerstone of effective trading. One of the reasons why domestic…
“DO YOU REALLY think you can be a full-time trader? I don’t think it’s something any woman has done before.” But, I continued to love myself anyway. “You realise you’re making a fool of yourself by writing a book?” But, I continued to love myself anyway. “Your husband will start to feel inadequate if you…
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