Tyrannosaurus rex was a sensitive lover

I could say that I have posted this because I still maintain a child like fascination with dinosaurs – which I still do actually have. But in reality I just wanted an excuse to post the accompanying cartoon I found. It made its name by terrorising Earth at the end of the Late Cretaceous, but…

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Living a Lie

People mislead themselves all day long. We tell ourselves we’re smarter and better looking than our friends, that our political party can do no wrong, that we’re too busy to help a colleague. In 1976, in the foreword to Richard Dawkins’s The Selfish Gene, the biologist Robert Trivers floated a novel explanation for such self-serving…

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Someone bounced me the schematic below. I have no idea of its origin so cannot quote its source or even begin to consider its veracity. However, it does contain some points worth commenting on.   This is a fairly blunt form of analysis and it does seem to simply look at the extremity of views…

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WTF Is All The Fuss About

This article is apparently doing the rounds and it purports to look at the supposedly new development of predatory short selling and uses the attack on Quintix by the US group Galucus as proof of this and along the way we get the usual dose of perceived wisdom from Gerry Harvey. Whenever such a piece on…

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Life Lessons by Bob Lefsetz

1. We all want to be listened to. Everybody’s got a story, everybody wants to tell it, but too few people have the patience to extract it from them. If you listen to someone’s story, they’ll be your best friend forever. You’ll bond. Everybody’s got something to say, something you find of interest, everybody got…

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Before and After Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry himself would be the first to admit he didn’t invent rock ’n’ roll, but he came to define it in a series of iconic singles made between 1955 and 1959. Mr. Berry wrote almost all his hits himself, and he drew from the music he loved — from the blues and boogie to…

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Surgeons Should Not Look Like Surgeons

Say you had the choice between two surgeons of similar rank in the same department in some hospital. The first is highly refined in appearance; he wears silver-rimmed glasses, has a thin built, delicate hands, a measured speech, and elegant gestures. His hair is silver and well combed. He is the person you would put…

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A Rant….Again

I like to open all my office windows when I can and since my office sits at the front of the house I get to hear the sounds of my suburb and you get used to the background noise. So I was surprised a few weeks ago to hear the sound of pan flutes gently…

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A Basic Misunderstanding

The chart below is from a site called Spurious Correlations, it takes seemingly disparate facts and matches them together to create the illusion of a positive correlation. It is a simple and effective way of illustrating the problem of mistaking causation for correlation which is constant problem in the way people both think and view…

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Downer EDI

Here is a chart of Downer EDI (Dow) If you bounced into this on the breakout from congestion well done, you got a nice trade and then it all went pear shaped. DOW have apparently launched a bid for Spotless which I mentioned last week. This bid entails a capital raising whereby for every 5 existing…

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Why Are Martial Arts Instructors Fat?

This was the question I was considering whilst sitting in my gyms cafe after my workout watching the various comings and goings. I tend to live a life of routine and after lifting on Sunday I head downstairs to cafe and have a cup of tea, toast, vegemite and a fresh orange juice. During this…

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