The history of global economics… in football shirts

This is fascinating. From Japanese electronics to reckless banks and middle eastern airlines, the fate of Premier League shirt sponsors has been tied closely to that of the world economy. West Ham United was the latest club to be sideswiped by the financial markets this month when its main commercial backer, foreign exchange dealer Alpari, was…

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Progress Not Perfection

I am coming back to an old theme – the notion of character in trading. Recently, I have heard several conservations about how to deal with a series of losses or an extended period of drawdown. The nature of these conversations all had something in common, whether there was a magic technique to help traders…

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Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups…. The recent fall out from the movement in the CHF has been interesting to watch. If ever you wanted to clear out the retail FX space I dont think anyone could have come up with a better plan than the actions of the SNB, it was a…

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Striking Stat of the Day

Many ordinary investors who trade currencies are a bit like casino gamblers: they may think they’ll win, but the odds are they won’t. Aite Group LLC, a Boston-based consulting firm, surveyed retail foreign-exchange traders in 2011 and found only 11 percent expected to lose money. Forty-one percent expected to earn monthly returns of more than…

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BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2014

Apparently BP produce a yearly very data heavy review of the state of world energy. For those who want to wade through it I have produced it below and the original can be downloaded from here.   The review contains the chart below which looks at the historical price of crude and drops in some…

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That Has to Have Hurt

With the repercussions of the wild swing in the CHF still to be felt there has been some attempt to quantify the losses being faced by various FX providers. The table below was generated by FOREX MAGNATES

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A Magician’s Best Trick: Revealing a Basic Human Bias

The guy had played us every step of the way. First, there was his “poor” performance at guessing—hey, we concluded, this guy puts on his pants one leg at a time. Then he complimented my son with “Hmm, you’re hard to read.” Next, The Magician gave a plausible explanation for my son’s success: “The experience…

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Hedge fund robots are crushing their human rivals

Its intriguing that they call trend followers robots – it is certainly robotic in execution but doesnt need a robot to execute. That’s a key lesson from 2014, when computer algorithm-led investing produced stellar returns, beating most gut-driven human managers and dramatically recovering most of their losses from 2011, 2012 and 2013. So-called managed futures…

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