The Professor Who Beat Roulette
On a warm night in May of 1969, a throng of awestruck gamblers crowded around a well-worn roulette table in the Italian Riviera. At the center stood a gangly 38-year-old medical professor in a rumpled suit. He’d just placed a $100,000 bet ($715,000 in 2019 dollars) on a single spin of the wheel. As the…
What Do They Talk About?
Here is a quick quiz. Below are ae two charts with both the name and price scale removed – the first is weekly, the second is daily. What is the predominant trend of both? If you were able to glance at both charts and recognise that they were both timeframes showing a downtrend then take…
The 120-MPH, 35,000 Feet, 3-Minutes-To-Impact Survival Guide
This might come in handy in the next few days….. You have a late night and an early flight. Not long after takeoff, you drift to sleep. Suddenly, you’re wide awake. There’s cold air rushing everywhere, and sound. Intense, horrible sound. Where am I?, you think. Where’s the plane? You’re 6 miles up. You’re alone. You’re falling.…
NASDAQ 100 Components Performance
With NASDAQ100 in the news for all the wrong reasons I thought it would be interesting to have a look at the performance of its components. There are two charts below. The first looks at the year to date performance of the components and the second is the percentage each stock is from its previous…
Somebody Blabbed
I run a scan that looks for anomalies in volume and a few months ago it threw up an interesting candidate – AGL. The scan is set up in such a way as to generally ignore these larger cap stocks – they very rarely show up as potential trades. You can see the large blue…
Bill Hwang Had $20 Billion, Then Lost It All in Two Days
Before he lost it all—all $20 billion—Bill Hwang was the greatest trader you’d never heard of. Starting in 2013, he parlayed more than $200 million left over from his shuttered hedge fund into a mind-boggling fortune by betting on stocks. Had he folded his hand in early March and cashed in, Hwang, 57, would have…
There Is So Little Competition
One of the great realisations about life is that a lot of your trajectory is determined by luck – the time you were born into, the color of your skin, and your sex are all huge components of where your life goes. If you were born a white male post WW2 you have already landed…
Good Vibes Are Contagious
One of my favorite threads of research shows just how interconnected we humans are. Studies reveal that if you bear witness to someone else experiencing pain—whether it’s a friend stubbing their toe, a person experiencing homelessness on a damp street corner, or a somber face in the waiting room of a hospital—you’re likely to experience some degree of…
Letters From A Zeneca
……I was a professional poker player for 15 years. For the most part, for most of my career the difference between the good players and the great players was not technical skill. It was psychological skill and mental fortitude. It was the ability to not tilt, to not play poorly, to not let your emotions…
10 Lessons Investors Can Learn from Wordle
I have a suspicion that over recent weeks and months you have become aware of a puzzle called Wordle. A simple, web-based word game that has become staggeringly successful since its October 2021 launch; so much so that the New York Times recently purchased it for a seven-figure sum. Both the structure of the game and…
Your Attention Didn’t Collapse. It Was Stolen
….He said “your brain can only produce one or two thoughts” in your conscious mind at once. That’s it. “We’re very, very single-minded.” We have “very limited cognitive capacity”. But we have fallen for an enormous delusion…. More here – The Guardian
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