An Old Favourite…..

Whilst one shouldnt play favourites in trading it is hard to forget the commodities you encountered first. I have fond memories of things such as frozen pork bellies (now defunct) and lumber. To me these are old time commodities that were traded long before specialised financial products appeared. So I was a bit surprised when…

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My Pet Hate

Is these idiots who keep using the phrase quantum leap as if you are trying to traverse some enormous intergalatic gulf. For those of a non scientific bent a quantum state is the smallest discrete quantity of a physical property that can be involved in an interaction. Its friggen small – so if you have…

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Wonder whether anyone has given Larry Page a call to ask if that offer of $6 billion is still on the table. There are times when opportunity knocks and some people are stupid enough to say f$%k off I’m busy not paying attention…….

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Dow Post Sandy

Markets are always interesting – even when they are not doing anything they are interesting. The thing that interests me most about this is that the Dow did not go down, although one possible interpretation of this could be that it is simply a relief rally. That is we are relieved that we didn’t wake…

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Chart Of The Day

Not mine….someone else’s. The chart below dropped into one of my junk email accounts. This is a chart of the S&P500 PE ratio – I can see what people are attempting to do when they construct such charts. My interpretation is that they are looking for signs of mania – that is a distortion in…

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Surprising Stat Of The Day

This piece was on my weekend reading list and it contains the following surprising stat which I was completely unaware of. There’s frequent evidence for that in economic data, and in the country’s destiny to become ever-smaller, doomed by demographics that will shrink the population from about 127 million today to 47 million in 2100, according to…

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As we near the end of the magic month….according to some. I thought it might be interesting to see whether October is all its cracked up to be. Apparently it isn’t, below are the average monthly returns generated using as much data as I could get. Data trumps bullshit once again….

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