Restoring Confidence After Losing

This is from a boxing and conditioning coach Ross Enamait who I find to be a bit of the go to bloke for old school conditioning. It might not seem relevant but substitute the voice of a coach for the voice that occurs inside your own head and all of a sudden it becomes relevant…

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Importance of Simple Forecasting Methods

As long ago as the fourth century B.C., scientists have argued in favor of simplicity. Perhaps the most familiar expression of the importance of simplicity for science is the 14th century formulation known as Occam’s razor, a line of reasoning that holds that the simplest answer is often correct. The preference for simplicity in science…

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How Using a Decision Journal can Help you Make Better Decisions

One question I’m often asked is what should a decision journal look like? You should care enormously whether you’re making good ones or bad ones. After all, in most knowledge organizations,your product is decisions. A good decision process matters more than analysis by a factor of six. A process or framework for making decisions, however,…

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How Athletes Can Stay ‘Fast After 50’

As we get older, most of us get slower. But aging athletes may be able to stave off those changes more successfully than most people realize. That’s the conclusion that Joe Friel, a celebrated triathlete, coach and author, reaches in his new book, “Fast After 50.” As he approached his 70th birthday, Mr. Friel began…

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Daniel Kahneman on Intuition and the Outside View

Michael Mauboussin: When does intuition work or fail? Daniel Kahneman: Intuition works less often than we think. There is no such thing as professional “expertise.” The Intuitions in chess masters develop with “big data” comes from experience. For people, the immediacy of feedback is especially important to learn the basis of expertise. When feedback comes…

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It is only isolating if you are a dickhead – which is true of most things in life. It’s a rainy Wednesday morning and Clay Cockrell is sitting in his office at Columbus Circle across the street from 1 Central Park West, which houses Trump International Hotel and Tower. In front of the tower is…

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Can You Smell The Irony?

An outbreak of the measles at Kenneth Copeland’s Texas megachurch has gotten some attention because (1) measles is something children are generally vaccinated for, these days and (2) Kenneth Copeland is, of course, an anti-vaccine crackpot. In what seems to be yet another bitterly ironic attempt by God to teach noisy religious fundamentalists what-for, the…

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Australian History 101

When I was a teenager I shifted schools. I moved from an inner city school that taught a diverse range of history’s such as Japanese, Chinese and a range of European focused history’s to a smaller regional school that for some reason taught Australian history. Which I found as dull as dishwater, after all not…

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