Weekend Reading

Here are some bits and pieces I have been putting away for the weekend. The six things that make stories go viral will amaze and maybe infuriate you Sit Back, Relax, and Read That Long Story—on Your Phone Whats That You’re Calling a Bubble? 16 Basic Principles for Avoiding Stupidity Dropbox and Uber: Worth Billions,…


What If These TED Talks Were Horribly, Unspeakably Wrong?

The long knives have been out for TED Talks for some time. Benjamin Bratton called them “middlebrow megachurch infotainment.”Evegny Morozov called the TED publishing arm the “insatiable kingpin of international meme laundering.” The gist of these arguments is that TED Talks are vapid, culty mass-selfies that fetishize technology for every solution. It is “placebo science” meant to…
