When Simone Biles pulled out of the gymnastics events, she brought an unprecedented focus on the psychological challenges of elite sport. One of the greatest athletes of all time had decided to prioritise her mind over the will – and enormous pressure – to win. “There is more to life than just gymnastics,” she said. After taking…
When we embrace discomfort, it changes how we handle the tough stuff. A study that came out after the book was finished largely validates this sentiment. Researchers had individuals do some of the hardest things in modern society: consider political viewpoints from the opposite side of the aisle on the most controversial topics. When researchers primed subjects…
My daughter is soon due to change schools and I recently spent an hour being shown around a potential destination for the next seven years of her education. As we were being told about how many lunch options there will be available each day, my mind started drifting off into the topic of decision making…
Every now and again graphics like the one below will pop up. They show either the NDX chart year to date, the top 10 stocks in the NDX year to date, or a combination of the day. Apparently, this is meant to represent some great form of moral hazard that we are being informed about…
‘Action’ related metaphors are so seductive. Plus, when you’ve been exposed to the money script that being in the markets is glamorous and action-packed, it makes you less likely to see the reality of what it takes to trade effectively. Watch the metaphors you use in relation to trading, or live with the consequences.
Chris Tate says: “According to the Australian Financial Review, stockbroking is in crisis. My immediate thought is who cares? This is my somewhat ranty response to the article which gives numerous reasons as to why stockbroking might be failing as an industry. I then put in my two cents worth as to why it might…
One of the main challenges faced by professional investors is that good behaviours are often in direct conflict with our own interests. This is either because our incentives are misaligned – what’s beneficial for the business or my career is not necessarily good for my client – or we feel compelled to meet the erroneous…
When humanity acquired the ability to imagine the future, it changed the trajectory of our species. But in the age of the Anthropocene, we need to harness this mental skill now more than ever, say the scientists Thomas Suddendorf, Jon Redshaw and Adam Bulley. More here – BBC Future
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