Property Is Stuffed

Or so say all the experts. Interestingly one of the equities systems we run has each week for the past few weeks been throwing up buys in the property trust sector. The ASX200 Property Trust Index looks vaguely interesting with its long period of consolidation.   However, the ASX200 Property Trust TR (Total Return) Index…


A Few Charts

I thought I would generate a few charts for interests sake. Compound daily growth rate of the All Ords since 2007                 I then thought it would interesting to wind the clock back a little and throw 2002 to 2012 into the mix. Adding in an extended bull…


Analysts Are Such Dicks

A tremendous collection of documents relating to the failed Lehman Brothers has been placed on line by the NY Fed. I am not entirely certain why they are online. The consensus seems to be that the winner of the day is a piece titled Bruised, Not Broken, Poised For Profitability which is a piece by…
