All The Worlds Gold
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DetailsGiven the modern media’s obsession with foisting absolute cretins on us who were are supposed to revere in some odd quasi religious manner I thought it might be worthwhile to start the year off with a smart person who is actually doing something. As opposed to being famous for being a dickhead. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. —…
DetailsWith Kodak tettering on the edge of oblivion I wonder what the execs at Kodak said when they first saw a digital camera. Probably something along the lines of that will never catch on. The interesting this is that despite Kodak going the way of the dinosaur people seemed to be willing to buy the…
DetailsWTF?! I Wanted An iPhone!!!
I am not certain I agree 100% with everything being said but the overall thrust is positive. The emphasis added is mine. Charles Hugh Smith Readers often ask me to post something hopeful, and I understand why: doom-and-gloom gets tiresome. Human beings need hope just as they need oxygen, and the destruction of the Status…
DetailsAs the New Year approaches we begin to get our usual raft of predictions for the coming year. This is a a corker – someone clearly has a firm grip on their crystal balls.
This article has apparently been around for some time but I have only just stumbled across it (note to self pay more attention) Apparently the I/B/E/S database that is maintained by Thompson Reuters is subject to extensive rewrites designed to portray analysts in a much better light. Comparing two snapshots of the entire I/B/E/S analyst…
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