Trend Trading Strategy Is Biggest Winner in $4 Trillion Currency Market
Courtesy of Bloomberg
If ever you have wondered why fund managers are so universally ordinary at their jobs – other than clinging to outmoded ideas such as the EMH and associated rationality concepts this might give you an idea. Do Fund Managers Identify and Share Profitable Ideas? Abstract We study data from an organization in which fund managers…
DetailsI have whinged before about the cost of books and DVDs in Australia. The predominant business model for retailers of such wares has been based upon the concept of ripping people off for as much as possible. Fortunately, as the long overdue demise of both Borders and Angus and Robertson has shown consumers are becoming…
DetailsThis is the relative performance of various commodities over the past month. Notice how silver has leapt ahead of the pack and crude is starting to really motor.
Whilst this article pertains to the situation in the US you can apply it locally. Just throw in a total lack of funding, ferocious brain drain a political landscape dominated by lawyers who don’t have the intellectual capacity to understand 99% of science and engineering do and you have the situation in Australia. The Real…
DetailsWe have recently started a new mentor program and the new crew are quietly beavering away at their tasks. During this process the question was raised of what to do when you you have a position where price gaps beyond your stop. The stop in this instance was not automated so no immediate action was…
DetailsI heard a snippet on the radio yesterday from some some economist who was supposedly an expert on the $A. This experts opinion was that it was all over for the $A and I wondered what that meant and I presumed he was referring to the fact that the $A is now apparently range trading…
DetailsOk blogophytes pay attention time to make yourself a bit smarter. 3 Great Ways to watch the last space shuttle missions Anthropocene: Age of Man Apple just f***** over online music subs for the iPhone’ — co-founder on Apple’s What really causes runners high Dumped drugs lead to resistant microbes
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