I came across this headline – Knight Capital Says Trading Glitch Cost It $440 Million $10 million a minute. That’s about how much the trading problem that set off turmoil on the stock market on Wednesday morning is already costing the trading firm. The Knight Capital Group announced on Thursday that it lost $440 million when…
Still no volume follow through. Widespread participation would be good. Given the mess the inhabitants of Wall Street have made of their own patch I dont blame the majority of people for not wanting to be involved. The perception that this is still a rigged game run by criminals still persists.
On the way back from the Gold Coast I had the chance to catch up with a mater who I had not seen for many a year. He once had the misfortune to sit next to me on a dealing desk – he has since recovered from that experience and gone on to successfully manage…
I have just returned from the Gold Coast aka the inappropriate tattooed bogan capital of Australia. Whilst there I spoke at the AIA Conference, caught up with some folks I knew, heard some interesting opinions and got a sense of peoples feelings about the markets. All in all….not bad. However, during one point in my…
I am nostalgic for the days of the space race…… Grand Finale 2010-11 from McLean Fahnestock on Vimeo. My guess is that occupational health and safety laws would prevent us from going back to the moon because some shiny arsed dickhead in a fluoro vest would not sign off on it because someone didnt have…
Nice little touch up from The New Yorker At Facebook headquarters, we like to have all-night coding parties where we get shitfaced and write algorithms and other computer stuff you wouldn’t understand. I want you to do the same thing, except instead of coding, I want you to click on random ads for Ancestry.com and…
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