Another Day Another Strategy

One of the difficulties that new investors face is the extraordinary range of investing strategies that are presented to them. These strategies are often presented as gospel from what new traders would perceive to be sources of authority. One of the oldest chestnuts that I absolutely abhor is the notion of dollar cost averaging which…


How to beat the bookies by turning their odds against them

Mathematicians had already developed bookie-beating models that attempt to predict sporting outcomes, but they are hard to devise and don’t perform consistently. So Lisandro Kaunitz at the University of Tokyo and his colleagues tried a more direct approach: using the bookmakers’ odds against them. The team studied data on nearly half a million football matches…


I Think We Have A Different Definitions Of Success

Investing is hard there is no doubt about that and being an amateur investor is even harder because you have to rely upon the supposed expertise of others. This lack of familiarity with the industry and its nuances combined with a dependence upon others makes life very difficult for those on the outside.  However, this…
