Lately my junk mail inbox has been inundated with bits and pieces regarding ethical investment. Every now and again it seems if the investing community goes on a bit of a tear and everybody plays follow the leader. Much of what I have been receiving is based upon a paper from last year – Foundations…
A Beginner’s Guide To Peter Gabriel: 27 Essential Tracks Intriguingly my favourite is missing, although Red Rain comes a close second. This gets the guernsey because of its role in the film Say Anything.
I have been thinking about this piece I posted yesterday. The central tenet is that to admit a mistake is to undermine one’s sense of self. Thus doing so is extremely difficult for professional money managers. My thoughts have drifted to the current round of pending and proposed legal action by shareholders against various companies,…
Whilst heading back from the gym this morning I heard on the radio that the local market was eyeing off a 10 year high ( a good thing) due to a surge in demand for local miners (perhaps). Naturally I decided to have a look at the comparative performance of the big five local miners…
I have been playing around with the comparative returns from various local indices – this is what happens in Melbourne when the weather turns to shit and I get bored. It has long been known or at least should be that market selection is a cornerstone of effective trading. One of the reasons why domestic…
Whilst driving home yesterday I had the misfortune of hearing an ambulance chaser on the radio touting for AMP shareholders to be involved in a class action over the destruction of shareholder wealth caused by the revelations in at the current Royal Commission and this prompted me to think what shareholder wealth and what destruction.…
With the banks getting a rogering at the current Royal Commission where the only people who are surprised that the banks treat their customers like shit are the banks themselves, who reward such behaviour and politicians who want lucrative directorships and consultancy with banks when they leave politics. Combined the touted changes to dividend imputation much has…
CT barged in my front door and made a bee-line for my chocolate supply. After getting his fix, I noticed he had a curious glint in his eye. “Have you checked your letter box today?” he nonchalantly asked. I dutifully loped out of my front door… and… What the HECK was this? In the driveway…
At the end of each year I have a ritual. LB and I write down what we consider finds of the year. These finds can be anything from a new place for lunch, to a new person who has entered your lives to anything in between. The only requirement is that it made life better…
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