Financial Autonomy – Should You Trade?
A few weeks ago I got to have a chat with Paul Benson of Financial Autonomy. You can listen to the episode here.
DetailsA few weeks ago I got to have a chat with Paul Benson of Financial Autonomy. You can listen to the episode here.
DetailsResearch houses that are paid by fund managers to be rated are more likely to generate positive ratings, according to a new report from Deloitte Access Economics. More here – The Age PS: to be honest this is not new and has been known for several decades.
DetailsOr so said Henny Penny in the well known story and this seems to be the reaction of everyone on my LinkedIn feed at present. So a little bit of context is needed and as usual this context is provided by looking at data – a surprisingly rare occurrence in the world of finance. If…
DetailsI am lead to believe that the Australian financial media have only just noticed that iron ore has been falling for two months. Just for those in the media who need to come up to speed here is a chart.
I was playing with the top 500 local stocks by capitalisation and decided to generate the table below which looks at the year to year performance of the top 10% which I arranged into very loose bins below. As you would expect there are a small number of outliers and a cluster around the bottom…
DetailsWith nothing else to do during lockdown, I thought I would have a little fun with excel and look at two closely related indices and see if analysing their returns told me any substantive. Spoiler alert it didn’t other than there were times when the All Ords TR did better and times when the ASX/S&P/200…
DetailsIt has been a while since I updated my superannuation fees chart but was prompted yesterday by the following graphic that hit my LinkedIn feed. This was followed by the usual round of self-congratulations and back slapping as to how amazing the superannuation industry was. However, the table is lacking context in that it does…
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