Mental Health

With 2020 now in our rearview mirror, it’s time to probably remember that an arbitrary change in date will not change magically change either that state of the world or what is happening inside your head. Granted it does give people a chance to rule a bit of a line through the events of 2020…



Pop quiz. If someone suggested to you that you should undergo a mandatory 28-day quarantine to come and give a presentation to them in person that could be done over Zoom would you – a) Tell them to get stuffed. b) Tell them to get stuffed. c) Tell them to get stuffed. If you answered…


How Much Conviction Do You Hold in Your Investment Views?

I recently read War and Chance by Jeffrey A. Friedman, which considers how foreign policy specialists deal with the uncertainty that surrounds their high stakes decisions.  Friedman focuses on an historic reticence to explicitly discuss either probabilities or confidence levels when making subjective judgements.  Whilst the impact of decisions made around the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden…
