First Systematic Study Of The Advice People Would Give To Their Younger Selves

Reporting their findings in The Journal of Social Psychology Robin Kowalski and Annie McCord at Clemson University have done just that in two surveys of hundreds of participants on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk website. Their findings show that people’s advice to their younger selves is overwhelmingly focused on prior relationships, educational opportunities and personal worth, echoing similar results…


If You’re Not Outside Your Comfort Zone, You’re Not Learning

Not knowing what’s going to happen next is generally stressful. Uncertainty signals that you’re unsure of your environment, your skills, or both. But uncertainty also signals the brain to kickstart learning, new Yale research published in the journal Neuron has found. That means crazy, unstable situations might be uncomfortable, but they’re also essential if you want to make the most…


The Basics

One of the podcasts on my playlist is the Real Science of Sport and in the current episode, they speak to Peter Bills the author of The Jersey which is an insight into why the New Zealand All Blacks are without a doubt the worlds most dominant sporting team. During the conversation Bills mentioned that…


My Chat With AlphaMind

Last week I had the pleasure of sitting down and chatting with Steven Goldstein and Mark Randall from AlphaMind. During our chat, we ranged far and wide over all things trading psychology including some reminiscing about the good old days of being on dealing floors. It is well worth subscribing to their podcast if you…
