Stock Twats

I was going through one of my feed this morning and I noticed that it had picked up a piece called 5 apps every trader should have So I though why ot have a look, I like to clutter my smartphone up with stupid crap – particularly if its free. So I had a gawk…


Four Yorkshiremen

I keep a dodgy email address into which all sorts of rubbish flows. In the past few years I have noticed a trend in the crap I get from motivational/wealth creation/dickheads of seeing who can come from the most humble background. The race to be the most disadvantaged reminded me of this clip from The…


Depressing Stat Of The Day

The chart below is a measure of  the rate of compliance among patients taking medication that I got from an online lecture on nutrition. The full lecture can be found here. To put this into perspective consider what is involved in taking medication – it rarely involves anything more than setting aside 20 seconds a…
